Ouchie - Koobi

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Little!Hoseok ~ Mental age: 1-5

Side ships: Vminjin
Littles!Jimin and Taehyung

Literally one of the softest ships that can possibly exist, definitely up there on the soft list with Taegi and you can fite me if you disagree 😤🖤


Hoseok was so excited. He'd woken up in littlespace that morning, much to the delight of Jungkook who had found the little cutely curled up in bed with his favourite stuffy. It was honestly the most adorable sight that the younger had ever seen, and he almost didn't want to wake him. Though once he did, the tiredness that clung to Hoseok's features was diminished within seconds when he remembered their plans for the day.

"We goin to da park wiff Taetae an Diminie??" He asked with a childlike gleam in his eyes, Jungkook chuckling fondly with a nod as Hoseok squealed and jumped out of bed, grabbing Jungkook's hand and attempting to drag him out of the room.
"Come on daddy! Less go less go!" He exclaimed eagerly, and Jungkook laughed, scooping the boy into his arms and holding him back.
"Slow down bub, we gotta get you changed first, you can't go to the park in your jammies." He stated, cooing at the pout that was quick to form on the older's lips.

"Why not?" The little whined, and Jungkook pressed a gentle kiss to his lips to silence him.
"Because they'll get all dirty, baby. Now, why don't we put you in one of your adorable pairs of dungarees?" The younger suggested, loving how Hoseok's eyes lit up at the idea, wriggling out of his caregiver's grip to run into his room and get changed.

Jungkook was already dressed, clad in his usual black cargo trousers and a black hoodie, and he waited patiently for the little to return, which certainly wasn't long considering Hobi was so excited.
"Ta-dah! Cans we go now pease?" Hobi begged in his yellow tee and purple dungarees, bouncing on his toes as he impatiently awaited Jungkook's response. Jungkook took a moment to take in the adorable sight, before shaking his head and chuckling.

"What about breakfast, poppet?" Jungkook asked, Hoseok whining again before he had an idea.
"Cans I jus take a nana?" He asked, blinking his puppy eyes at the younger who could honesty never say no to them.
"Okay sunshine, go grab a banana and pop your shoes on and then we can go, okay?" Jungkook spoke, Hoseok giggling as he nodded and ran to the kitchen as fast as his legs would take him. Jungkook just rose a hand to his chest and placed it where his heart was, wondering how much more cuteness he could take before he explodes.

Within half an hour, Jungkook had packed a bag with emergency little supplies and the two had reached the park, Hoseok bolting off the moment he saw his two little friends.
"Diminie! Taetae!" He chimed in pure excitement, the two other little's also running to meet up with him with equally eager grins.
"Seokie!" The other two yelled, the three of them creating a dog pile on the grass as they giggled and hugged each other.

Jin, who was smiling at the three, looked up and noticed Jungkook approaching him from his car.
"Kook! How have you been?" The eldest asked with a warm smile, Jungkook walking up to his hyung and giving him a hug.
"I've been good, how are you, hyung? Hobi was super excited to see the others today." Jungkook mentioned with a chuckle, Jin looking fondly at the littles who were running to the swings of the park that was pretty much empty at this time in the morning.
"So were my little ones, Taehyung was practically bouncing off the walls with anticipation last night." Jin laughed, Jungkook tilting his head to the side before laughing with him. Yup, sure sounded like Taehyung.

The two sat on a nearby bench, Jin being his usual jokey-self as they converse light-heartedly in the dim sunlight. It wasn't a particularly warm day, but none of the littles seemed to mind, busying themselves with swings and slides as they giggled and played with each other, their energy seeming endless.

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