Monsters - Taekook (part 2)

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Jungkook knew he wasn't supposed to disturb the brunette when he was working, but it was one of their main rules that Jungkook would tell Taehyung straight away when he was feeling too small to look after himself, so the little eventually plucked up the courage to lightly knock on Taehyung's door.
"Dada?" His little voice called when there was no immediate response, but he frowned when Taehyung still didn't reply let alone open the door.

"Dada, iss Koo! Can come in?" He called again. No response. The little was starting to get agitated, fidgeting in his spot because he just knew that something must be wrong; Taehyung always came running when he called. And so, the little made the brave decision to open the door himself, fumbling with the handle for a moment before slowly peering through the open door, and he froze.

Taehyung was sat almost directly in the middle of his double bed, knees brought up to his chest and large hands firmly covering his ears. His face was buried in his knees, but his little could immediately tell that he was crying due to the shake of his shoulders and the slight tremble in his body. Jungkook's eyes widened in panic because Taehyung seemed scared, and his daddy was never scared.

"D-dada otay?" He asked timidly, walking slowly over to the bed where Taehyung was sat, but the older boy was rigid in his position, unwilling to move or speak whether he'd heard Jungkook or not. Jungkook was afraid, thoughts whirring on what could possibly be wrong with his caregiver, but then it hit him. The one thing that always really scared little Jungkook were the shadowy monsters. Like the ones you'd find in dreams, and the ones you expect to hide under beds and inside closets at night. Well, Taehyung had had a nightmare the night before...

The little gasped at a thought... what if the monsters were attacking Taehyung?! He certainly couldn't let that happen!

"Koo wiw save you, Dada! Don wowwy!" Jungkook yelled in his small voice, running off to get all the things he needed to protect Taehyung from the monsters in his room. Whenever Jungkook was scared at night, he would surround himself with pillows and stuffed toys like a little protective barrier, and would bundle himself up in his covers so that he would feel all cosy and safe.

When Jungkook ran back into Taehyung's room, his arms were full of pillows and his favourite stuffed toys, and he immediately started placing them around Taehyung, willing to do whatever it takes to protect his daddy from the evil monsters that were making him sad and scared. Jungkook was gentle when he dragged a blanket from the lounge to Taehyung's room, softly pulling it over Taehyung's shoulders so that he was mostly covered with it.

And finally, Jungkook squished himself amongst the protective circle of pillows, blankets and stuffies, and wrapped his arms around Taehyung the best he could. He remembered how Taehyung would often do this for him when he was scared, and it always really helped him to feel better, so he hoped that it would help Taehyung just as much.
"Koo wiw pwotecc you." Jungkook whispered adamantly, laying his head on one of Taehyung's shaking shoulders and closing his eyes, planning to stay there for as long as Taehyung wanted him to, but hearing Taehyung cry was beginning to upset him.

Taehyung shuddered and slowly brought his hands away from his ears and his head up from his knees when he felt Jungkook hug him, teary eyes wide with shock and emotion at how his little was trying to comfort him. He gently rested his own head on top of Jungkook's head that was still comfortably on his shoulder, taking in a few deep breaths and focusing on the stuffies and pillows that had been hurriedly placed around him. They sat in silence for a few minutes as Taehyung gradually calmed down, the older eventually noticing Jungkook's favourite bunny stuffed toy at his feet, and he couldn't help but crack a small smile.

But he was quick to drop the fond expression when he heard Jungkook sniffle from beside him, the little burying his face into Taehyung's blanket-covered shoulder and gripping onto the brunette's arm.
"G-go away meanie m-monstews... l-leab my d-dada awone..." he sobbed quietly, and Taehyung gasped softly, breaking away from his curled-up position to pull Jungkook into the gap between his legs.

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