Koo - Jungkook X BTS

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Request from: @Jaemin_Ethan_Taekook 🎀

Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 1-5


"What's wrong?"
Jimin's concerned voice quickly snapped Jungkook out of his thoughts, the maknae putting on a small smile and shaking his head.
"Nothing, hyung. I'm fine." He attempted to reassure him, but the older boy looked skeptical, having noticed how Jungkook was staring out of the car window with a small frown on his face.
"Are you sure? You've seemed pretty out of it today." He said, trying to prompt the younger to talk, and Jungkook frowned a little.

He turned to Jimin with a small pout and glossy eyes, and Jimin had definitely seen that look before.
"Aw hey, it's okay." He gushed fondly, gently stroking the maknae's cheek with his thumb and letting the younger rest his head on his shoulder the moment he'd realised what was happening.
"Wan be smol." Jungkook whispered in a quiet voice, and Jimin hummed with a nod, ruffling the little's hair.

"I know, baby. You can be little, I know you've been pretty stressed lately." Jimin hummed, and Namjoon, who was sitting in front of them in the car, overheard.
"Is Jungkook slipping?" He turned to Jimin to ask, and the blond boy nodded, smiling gratefully when Jin turned around and handed back a lollipop.
"This should keep him happy until we get back. Then we can give him all the cuddles, isn't that right, Koo?" Jin spoke up, and Jungkook immediately perked up, nodding aggressively and making the others chuckle while he suckled happily on the lollipop.

But it quickly became apparent that Jungkook was slipping a lot deeper than usual, the little quietly babbling to himself and rolling the lollipop around in his mouth, eyes just staring at the car chair in front of him. Jimin smiled fondly and gently poked the maknae's cheek, a high-pitched giggle from the maknae making something immediately obvious.
He was in babyspace.

"Koo, how old are you feeling?" Jimin hummed to the little, but the blank stare and the confused head-tilt from the maknae confirmed his suspicions almost immediately, and he fondly chuckled.
"Guys, he's tiny. Like super super tiny." Jimin spoke to the others in the car as he gently stroked Jungkook's cheeks, and a collective sigh was heard, Jin turning to the others.
"So, who's gonna carry him inside?"

Namjoon groaned as he dropped Jungkook down on their sofa, the little giggling and clapping his hands excitedly.
"You're getting too buff for this." Namjoon wheezed out, placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath after having carried Jungkook all the way from the car and to the dorm, and the others in the room all laughed at him.

"What do you expect? He's a little muscle bunny." Hobi chuckled, booping Jungkook's nose and watching fondly as the little squealed and rolled onto his back on the sofa, looking up at his six caregivers that circled around him.
"Cutie... I mean- he hasn't been this small in a long time, right?" Yoongi cleared his throat to say, and the others looked to him.

"It's because of the comeback. He's just stressed." Taehyung explained, walking over to the little and tickling his stomach, making Jungkook giggle.
"You want cuddles, baby? Yeah?" Taehyung teased, tickling him more until Jungkook was screaming with laughter.
"Da!" He yelled, bursting into a fit of giggles when Taehyung finally stopped tickling him and sat on the sofa, pulling Jungkook into his lap.

Good thing their sofa was huge, because as soon as he did so, their five hyungs all jumped on the sofa too, Jimin and Jin putting all their attention on the little in Taehyung's arms. Jungkook quietly babbled to himself, finding interest in Jimin's face by poking and squishing his cheeks as he stared at the blonde male with his big, sparkly eyes, not a single thought held behind them.

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