Time out - Taekook

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Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 3-4

Side ships: Sope and Namjinmin
Littles!Yoongi and Jimin
Caregivers!Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin


"Koo, honey, I really need you to get changed. It's gone past noon and I was planning on taking you to the park with Jiminie and Yoonie today." Taehyung pleaded, sighing as the stubborn little whined and shook his head.
"Don wanna." Jungkook said with a pout and crossed arms, Taehyung then grabbing him by the waist and pulling him down to sit on the bed next to him.

"Baby, you can't go out in your pyjamas and you know that. Come on, be a good boy or you won't get any cuddles from daddy later." Taehyung warned, but his eyes widened when Jungkook's brows furrowed because this threat would usually work; Jungkook loved daddy cuddles.
"Don care." He mumbled, Taehyung turning to him with a stern look.
"What did you just say?" He questioned dominantly, Jungkook's eyes shooting up to meet his as the little jumped up and glared at him.

"Kookie said don fuckin care!" He shouted, knowing well that saying such a word would end him up with a punishment, but right now he was feeling small and bratty, determined to get what he wanted.
"Kookie don like you... don like daddy coz he a meanie!"
He made an angry exclamation, grabbing a nearby pillow and throwing it at the wall, which made Taehyung close his eyes, sucking in a breath to contain his frustration.

"That's it, bunny. I'm getting Hoseok hyung. Don't you dare think about moving from that position until I return." Taehyung growled, watching as immediate regret coated Jungkook's features. Hoseok was Yoongi's caregiver, and although he was sweet, caring and would always be there to entertain and look after the littles, he could be scary and authoritative when they misbehaved. Taehyung was the biggest softie, especially when it came to his baby, so Hoseok would be the one to help him out when the little would get a little tricky to handle because Taehyung struggled to even tell Jungkook off, let alone punish him.

Angry, passive-aggressive Hoseok was something that all the members tried to avoid.

"No! Not Seokie hyung! He wiw scowd Kookie an put Kookie in time out!" Jungkook cried, Taehyung nodding and standing up.
"Exactly. Bad bunnies get punishments, remember?" Taehyung chided, watching as the little looked up at him with a little fear.
"Are you going to apologise to daddy and get changed then?" Taehyung asked, giving him one last chance, but the little stayed adamant in his mindset and frowned.
"No. Kookie not sowwy." He said, a little quieter this time, immediately regretting it as Taehyung sighed and walked out of the door to go and find Hoseok.

"No wait! Daddy pease!" Jungkook cried, tears welling in his eyes as he ignored the rule to stay put and ran after his caregiver in hopes of stopping him. Taehyung ignored him, and although he hated ignoring his little boyfriend, he had to learn to discipline the little when he was misbehaving or being bratty. And that's where Hoseok comes in.

Upon realising that he couldn't stop him, Jungkook cried out for his little best friend Yoonie, who immediately came running at the sound of Jungkook's distress.
"Kookie! Why cryin?" The older little asked, patting Jungkook's head softly as the maknae slumped on the floor of the corridor.
"My daddy iss gettin your daddy to punish Bunbun!" The youngest little cried, Yoongi's eyes widening at what that must have meant.

"Uh oh. Was Kookie naughty?" A small, high-pitched voice came from further down the corridor, Jungkook and Yoongi looking up to see Jimin waddling down towards them with Namjoon close behind.
"Kookie didn' listen an said no to daddy an said bad wowd." Jungkook confessed quietly, Yoongi and Jimin gasping at that and looking to each other in shock.
"Uh oh... Kookie is in big big twouble." Yoongi said with realisation, still trying his best to calm his friend down as Namjoon now came over and crouched in front of them.

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