Bedtime - Hyung line X Maknae line

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Request from: @Lee_THatzIt 🍃

Little!Hyung line ~ Mental ages: 3-7
Caregivers!Maknae line


"Guys oh my God I've lost Jin-"
"Tae! That's the second time this day!"
"It's not my fault that he's had so much sugar today, that was Jungkook!"
"Don't blame this on me! Wait- Hobi don't you dare draw on Yoongi's face-"

Jimin sighed and dragged a hand along his face as the chaos around him continued, Yoongi pretending to be asleep on the sofa while a sneaky Hoseok attempted to draw cat whiskers on his face, Namjoon ignoring his caregivers by silently reading a picture book in the corner, and Jin giggling from somewhere that they couldn't even see. This is what happens every night when the word 'bedtime' is spoken; the littles do literally anything to avoid going to bed.

"Boys! Game plan." Jimin shouted, immediately catching Taehyung and Jungkook's attention from where they struggled to get their little hyungs under control, and the two youngest followed Jimin out of the room and into the hallway where it was quieter.
"This never works, we need to be tactical." Jimin sighed, and Jungkook chuckled while Taehyung nodded.

"You make it sound like we're going to war." The maknae laughed, and Taehyung snickered quietly while Jimin casually sent him a death glare.
"It feels like we're at war." Taehyung mumbled, the three of them laughing in agreement before getting back to the task at hand, sighing at the noise that came from the lounge where all the littles were.

"Okay, I'll deal with Joon and Yoongi. Tae, you deal with Hobi, and Jungkook, good luck with Jin." Jimin said, leaving no time for the younger two to complain as he went straight back into the room and went over to Namjoon, the little continuing to ignore him and hiding behind his picture book, glasses slipping down his nose.
"Joonie, it's time for bed, hun." Jimin hummed, watching as the little leader pulled his book up more and hid behind it, pretending not to hear the oldest caregiver.

"Baby, there will be no bedtime story if you don't listen to what daddy says." Jimin spoke more sternly this time, and Namjoon slowly peered out from behind the book, eyes big and a small pout on his lips.
"N-no bedtime stowy?" He asked in a small voice, whimpering and tugging on Jimin's trouser leg.
"Joonie sowwy! Pease, Joonie wan bedtime stowy, daddy." Namjoon sniffled, and Jimin leant down a little to ruffle his hair gently.

"Then hurry on upstairs, clean your teeth and get your cute little onesie on like a good boy, okay?" Jimin spoke, and Namjoon nodded, quickly running out of the room and listening to Jimin when the younger called for him to not run up the stairs. Jimin turned back and sighed, tiredly dragging a hand along his face.
'One down... three to go.'

While Jungkook tried to catch an energetic Jin, Taehyung walked over to Hobi, frowning when he saw that the mischievous little had turned to drawing on the wall when he'd been told off by Jungkook for trying to draw on Yoongi's face. Taehyung sighed and walked over, placing his hands on his hips and looking down at the little with a chiding stare.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" The brown-haired caregiver spoke, Hoseok jumping in his spot and looking to Taehyung with wide eyes, quickly hiding the pen behind his back even though the blue squiggles on the wall were a pretty big indicator of what he'd done.
"Seokie no do nuffin, Papa!" He yelled almost instantly, causing Taehyung to sigh again as he held out his hand and beckoned for the little to reveal what was behind his back. Hoseok whimpered and placed the blue pen in his palm.

"That's very naughty, baby. We don't draw on the walls, do we?" Taehyung said calmly as he crouched down infront of the little, Hoseok shaking his head with a pout and glossy eyes.
"Tell me what you did wrong and how you're gonna fix it, sunshine, or you'll get no cookies for a week, understand?" Taehyung spoke, Hoseok gasping and quickly doing as he was told.
"Seokie dwawed on the waw and lied to Papa... so Seokie wiw hewp to cwean the waws an say sowwy. I sowwy Papa." Hoseok whimpered, stumbling forwards and into Taehyung's arms, and the caregiver hugged him and nodded.

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