Zombie - Taegi

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 4


"Daddy wiw be back soon." Little Taehyung reassured himself as he stayed sat obediently on their apartment sofa, staring at the clock like he had been for the past half hour. He wasn't too good at relaxing alone or entertaining himself when he was in littlespace, so when Yoongi was out and he was little, all he'd do is wait for Yoongi to come. Somewhat akin to an obedient puppy with separation anxiety.

Yoongi had gone out with some friends to a party, and earlier he'd promised Taehyung with a kiss to his head that he'd be back by half nine to make Taehyung something to eat before he went to bed. He left at five, and now it was nearly eleven and Taehyung was really starting to get nervous, tired and hungry. He was patient and he was well behaved, but being left alone for so long upset him and made him a little jittery.

However, not much longer did he have to wait because he heard the front door handle turn, and span his head around the moment he heard footsteps come into the apartment. The little jumped up to go and greet his Daddy, but Yoongi didn't walk up to him with a smile like he usually would. No, he stumbled into the room with a groan, unfocused eyes meeting the little's, and Taehyung's expression instantly dropped.

"D-Daddy?" Taehyung stammered one confusion, watching as Yoongi rubbed his head with another groan, seemingly unbalanced on his feet. His hair and clothes were messy and Taehyung didn't like the way he was walking towards him one bit, shrieking and hiding behind the sofa when his name came out of Yoongi's lips rather slurred.
"Taetae? Babyyy, Daddy's home." Yoongi's voice was practically unintelligible, and Taehyung's eyes flooded with fear, body trembling ever so slightly.

"You-youw not D-Daddy! Youw a... a monstew!" Taehyung cried out, peering over the sofa and seeing how the older male looked to him with confusion, walking closer and only scaring Taehyung more.
"No! P-pease go 'way!" Taehyung screamed, throwing a pillow at the zombie who stumbled back, then looking up with anger.
"Hey!" He reacted a little late but his raised voice was frightening, and tears began to tumble from Taehyung eyes as he screamed again and bolted upstairs, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

Yoongi didn't even make it out of the living room, passing out on the sofa, oblivious to the shaky little hiding in the closet in his room.

Yoongi woke up in the early hours of the morning from a pounding headache, instantly wincing the moment he opened his eyes and immediately closing them again.
"God... I really need to stop drinking so much at parties." He grumbled to himself, managing to eventually sit himself up, and it took him a further five minutes to get his eyes to focus. He almost let himself sink back onto the uncomfortable sofa, the slight crick in his neck not deterring him, when he was suddenly hit with a horrible wave of realisation.

"Uh oh." He mumbled to himself when he realised that all memories from last night were a total blur, and if he'd been that drunk, he definitely hadn't taken Taehyung through his nighttime routine. He probably didn't even tuck him into bed- oh this was not good.

Disregarding that it was 5am, Yoongi convinced himself that this was a more pressing matter than sleep and he immediately started to make his way upstairs, heading for his bedroom. Taehyung usually slept with him in his bed when he was little because he would get too nervous sleeping alone in his own room, so when Yoongi found that Taehyung wasn't in there, he instantly frowned.

"Taetae?" He called out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and walking back out into the corridor where he instantly noticed that his boyfriend's door was shut. He walked over and gently tried the handle, but it was locked, and that made Yoongi internally panic. Taehyung never locked his door, it was a rule that Yoongi and the little had because little Tae could quite easily get into trouble if he accidentally locks himself in his room, but Yoongi felt like this wasn't an accident.

"Baby?" Yoongi called a little louder, knocking Taehyung's door lightly and hoping that he only wasn't responding because he was asleep.
"Tae, please answer me." Yoongi's voice was a little desperate, and that's when he heard shuffling from inside the room.
"D-Daddy?" Taehyung called, and Yoongi sighed, he was still in littlespace.
"Hi bub. Can you open the door for me?" Yoongi spoke more calmly now, but he heard Taehyung whimper at his words.

"No. T-Taetae stayin wight h-hewe." The little stammered, and Yoongi felt his heart ache at his frightened voice.
"What's wrong, baby? Why won't you let Daddy in?" Yoongi asked, putting his forehead against the door, and Taehyung sniffled.
"D-Daddy stiw a zombie?" Taehyung whispered from the other side of the door, which made his caregiver's eyes widen, feeling his stomach sink.

"No, baby, Daddy's not a zombie. Can you come out now?" He reassured, and sure enough, the click of the lock was heard and the door was opened with tentative hands. When Yoongi saw his boyfriend's tired, red eyes and tinted cheeks peeking around the doorframe, he quickly scooped the boy into his arms and felt Taehyung bury his face in his chest, hands clutching Yoongi's shirt.

"W-was scawed, Daddy!" Taehyung cried, feeling as Yoongi gently rubbed his back and pressed a kiss into his hair.
"I know, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." Yoongi cooed gently, doing his best to comfort the tired little while Taehyung whimpered and let go of a small sob.
"Don leab Taetae a-awone agains, otay? P-pease..."
"I won't, lovely."
"I promise. C'mon, come and cuddle with me. We can have a lie-in today, and then I'll get up and make you pancakes. Is that okay?"

After seeing Taehyung nod, more calm now, Yoongi took his hands and led him down the hallway to his room, doing a little dance and swinging Taehyung's arms from side to side to try and cheer him up. He succeeded, making the younger boy giggle tiredly as he let his Daddy pull him into the bedroom. After making sure that Taehyung was tucked comfortably in the bed, Yoongi got changed into some more comfortable clothing, before sliding into bed beside Taehyung and wrapping his arms around him.

"I love you, Taetae. Can you forgive me?" Yoongi whispered softly, and Taehyung pretended to think for a second, before smiling a little.
"Ib Taetae gets big pancakes, den I forgib Daddy."
Yoongi chuckled and booped his nose, making Taehyung scrunch his face up before giggling again.
"Daddy will make the biggest pancakes he's ever made, but only if we both take a nap first."
"Otay, nini."
"Sleep well, bub."

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