Prank - Maknae line X Hyung line (part 1)

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Little!Maknae line ~ Mental ages: 0-5
Caregivers!Hyung line


"Kookie shh! Quiet or they'll finds us!" Jimin hissed, pressing a finger to his lips and making the giggling maknae fall silent. Jungkook nodded with a grin and made a zipping motion with his fingers in front of his lips, bouncing with excitement at their little plan.
"Whewe's Taetae?" Jungkook whispered, looking around, only to hear a huff come from the cupboard beside them. The door cracked open a little, Taehyung's curly hair falling over his eyes as he peeked through.

"Aw you suwe we should be doin this? We might get in twouble." Taehyung's voice was timid, and Jimin rolled his eyes while Jungkook groaned.
"Don be such a big baby. It wiw be fun!" Jungkook said, and although Taehyung frowned, he just nodded and waited for Jimin to tell them what to do.

While their caregivers were downstairs, the littles, or rather Jungkook and Jimin, had come up with a mischievous plan to prank the older members into thinking that they'd disappeared.
"Just like a ghost!" Jimin had said with excitement pouring out through his giggles, and although Taehyung really didn't want to do it, he didn't want the others to leave him alone and wasn't exactly that great with peer pressure when he's little.

You see, Jimin and Jungkook were absolute brats. Adorable, but very naughty. They loved to cause trouble and would do anything that they were told not to, just because they got bored so easily. Don't get their caregivers wrong, they were loved dearly, but getting them to cooperate or be quieter was always a difficult task.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was what Jin calls 'a cuddly little angel'. He was a lot quieter than the other two, more shy and sensitive too, and he'd always end up feeling too guilty when he ever did anything even slightly wrong. So when the other littles tried hard to get him to cause trouble with them, he was always quick to decline, but sometimes it was too tricky to say no considering Jimin and Jungkook were his best friends and he loved them very much. He couldn't disappoint them all the time...

They were all currently hidden in Namjoon's room, the maknae having sneakily stolen the key to the door from Namjoon's pocket when he had his back turned, and he'd ushered the others inside and then locked the door behind them. The caregivers always kept their doors locked so that the little's didn't get in and mess up their rooms, but no one could hide anything from Jungkook, he was too quick for them. Their plan was to hide in there and make the older members search the whole house for them, and Jimin and Jungkook giggled quietly to each other while they jumped on Namjoon's bed.

"D-Don do that! Y-you wiw get huwt! If J-Joonie hyung finded out h-he wiw be vewy mad." Taehyung shrieked, getting nervous when Jimin almost fell off the bed, yet the other two just stopped, sat on the bed, and glared.
"Youw no fun." Jimin grumbled, clambering off of the bed and rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, an be mow quiet! Youw blow our covew." Jungkook hissed, and Taehyung immediately pouted and looked at the floor.

"I-I can be fun." He stammered, a little upset, but before they could say anything more, the sound of footsteps approaching made them freeze.

"Where's Tae? I keep calling him for bath time but I'm getting no reply." Hobi asked the others who were all sat in the downstairs lounge, and Namjoon frowned and put his book down, brows furrowed.
"Not sure. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Jimin or Kookie around either. I wonder what they're up to?" The leader mumbled, and now all four of them were frowning, a little confused by the situation. Their little's were always dying for attention, but they hadn't seen them since lunch, which was an hour and a half ago.

"Jiminie! Kookie! Taetae! Snack time!" Jin yelled, and after ten seconds of no response, they all jumped up. At the sound of snacks the littles would always come running, but not today for some reason.
"Something's wrong." Yoongi stated quickly, looking around to see if the littles were in the hallway or the kitchen, but they didn't seem to be downstairs at all.

"Guys, c'mon, it's nearly dinner time!" Hoseok called, only to be met with silence and a sigh from Jin.
"God, if they're doing something they shouldn't be and dragged Tae into it, I'm gonna be fuming." Yoongi grumbled, helping the others to search for the younger members. But when five minutes had passed and their littles were nowhere to be seen, they start to panic.

"Taetae?? Baby, if you come out now hyung will give you cuddles!" Hoseok called again. No reply.
"Kookie? Minnie??" Yoongi yelled. Still no reply.
"Have you checked upstairs??" Jin spoke frantically to Namjoon, who was a lot calmer than the others, but he was equally as worried as they began to fear that the littles may have ran away.
"All our bedroom doors are locked, they're not in either of the bathrooms, their bedrooms are empty, and they're not in the playroom." He sighed, running a hand through his hair out of stress, before having a sudden idea.

"They might be big, I'll go upstairs and grab my phone. If I call them at least one of them has to pick up... right?" He suggested, and Jin frowned, incredibly worried but he nodded all the same. Namjoon ran upstairs, reached his door and went to grab his key, when he froze. His key wasn't in his pocket, and his door was locked.

"Guys, have you seen my key? I think I've dropped it." Namjoon shouted to the older members, searching for it on the floor, and that's when the realisation hit him.

"Out the window! Go go!" Jimin whisper-yelled when they realised that they'd been found, pointing to Namjoon's window and ushering the others out of it. Jungkook grinned and nodded, grabbing the window and pulling it open, before hopping out and onto the flat part of the roof that met his feet. From there, he quickly and swiftly climbed down via a few jagged bricks on the side of the house that jutted out, and it was clear that he'd done this before.

"I-I can't do that." Taehyung whimpered softly while he crouched on the window sill, not liking how high up they were as it made his knees tremble and his hands shake. But Jimin was having none of it, and the older little placed his hands on his back, making Taehyung jump.
"If youw gonna be a wimp I wiw push you. Don wuin the pwank!" He hissed, and Taehyung flinched, wanting to protest but he did as he was told. Jimin and Jungkook were his best friends, they were always there for him, and even though they didn't understand his aversion to being naughty, they'd never before forced him into doing their little pranks with them.

But this was a big prank, and Taehyung didn't like it. He didn't like the guilt, didn't like the name-calling, and he certainly didn't like heights.

 He didn't like the guilt, didn't like the name-calling, and he certainly didn't like heights

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