Sick - Jungkook X BTS

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Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 4-6


Jungkook woke up feeling bad. Like bad bad. The moment he realised how hot and how incredibly ill he felt, he immediately slipped into the smaller range of his littlespace, a whimper bubbling past his lips when he felt his pyjamas clinging uncomfortably to his sweaty skin. Yet suddenly he felt his stomach churn, a strong wave of nausea completely overwhelming him as the little's eyes widened, jumping up as fast as he could to scramble his way to the bathroom in time.

He flung the bathroom door open with urgency, not caring how it hit the wall loudly as he buckled over the toilet bowl just in time for him to throw up into it. Each heave caused his stomach to cramp painfully, incoherent sobs coming out somewhere between them. That's when Jin suddenly stumbled into the bathroom after hearing all the commotion, Jimin on his tail, both males mirroring similar expressions of visible worry as the oldest ran over to the maknae and crouched beside him.

"Okay baby, it's okay. Just let it all out." Jin soothed, slipping a hand under the back of Jungkook's t-shirt to gently rub the feverish skin on the younger's back.
"Jimin, go grab a cold wet cloth and a bowl and wake up the others." Jin spoke in a form of urgency, Jimin nodding and running quickly to do so. Jungkook finally stopped throwing up, sobbing more freely now and falling limply into his oldest hyung who was beside him.

"Shh Koo, it's alright sweetheart." Jin comforted him with a concerned expression, wrapping his arms around the younger and rocking him softly. The youngest just continued to cry into his oldest caregiver's chest, feeling as Jin dipped every so often to press kisses into his hair, ignoring the fact that Jungkook was clearly hot and sweaty. The only important thing right now was the fact that Jungkook was clearly unwell and in distress because of it, as well as the fact that he was feeling really, really small.

"Is everything alright?" Yoongi spoke up from behind them as he and Taehyung came to see if Jin needed any help, the second maknae desperately trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.
"Jungkookie's unwell. I think he has a fever." Jin spoke, the other two seeing the little's tear-stained face and immediately frowning.
"Aw baby, I'm sorry that you're feeling bad." Taehyung spoke with sympathy, extending a hand and gently ruffling the maknae's hair in a fond motion.

Jungkook just whimpered in response, which honestly broke all of their hearts, Jimin squeezing past them with a bowl and the cloth that Jin had asked for.
"Thanks hun." Jin thanked Jimin with a smile, the younger nodding sadly as Jin took the cloth from his hand and started wiping the maknae's face with it.

"Where's Hobi and Namjoon?" Yoongi asked Jimin as the shorter male stepped out of the bathroom and hung outside with them.
"Namjoon hyung is on the phone to Bang PD Nim to explain the situation and Hobi hyung is looking for medicine." Jimin explained, Yoongi nodding and turning his head back to the bathroom, peering inside with a worried frown at Jin who was attentively tending to Jungkook.

"Do you reckon it was something he ate?" Taehyung asked the oldest from outside, watching as Jin shook his head and sighed.
"No I don't think so, especially because he's the only one who's ill and we all ate the same stuff yesterday. I reckon the fever was just caused by the recent stress he's been going through with all of the practice. He's just over-exerted himself, poor baby." Jin explained, Yoongi turning to the two other members of the maknae line.

"You know what that means." He spoke with a knowing look, Taehyung and Jimin immediately nodding and rushing off to Jungkook's room. When it came to their maknae, they were always prepared, especially when needing to help each other. Meanwhile, Jungkook's sobs had turned into sniffles against Jin's chest, feeling more relaxed as he no longer felt so nauseous, but he was battling the sensation of feeling too hot and too cold at the same time and he felt truly awful. Jin felt Jungkook shiver and immediately placed a gentle hand on the maknae's forehead, tutting at how hot and feverish it felt.

"H-Hyungie..." Jungkook whimpered, Jin hushing him and running a hand softly through his hair.
"I'm right here sweetie. All your hyungs are right here to help you. You'll feel better soon Koo I promise." Jin soothed, Jungkook nodding against Jin's hoodie with a sniff for a second, before a strong feeling of guilt suddenly hit him.

"Kookie sowwy!" He cried, and by now, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi were surrounding him on the bathroom floor, all three of his hyungs with looks of pure concern on their tired faces.
"Baby baby hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. Why are you apologising?" Yoongi spoke softly as the little looked down, guilt written all over his features.
"Hyungies shwould be sweeping but Kookie woke eveywon up." The little spoke quietly, but before his guilty tears could fall, Namjoon had reached over and gently lifted his head up with the soft pads of his fingertips under his chin.

"Your health is more important, poppet. Please don't feel guilty, we're up and awake so we can take care of our baby, okay?" The leader said, and Jungkook being Jungkook could never disagree with anything that his Namjoon hyung said, so he nodded and held back his tears like a brave little boy. Hobi entered the room within the next minute, handing a couple of items to Jin.

"I found some ibuprofen and got you a thermometer. Tae and Chim have also got a hot water bottle on standby if Kookie's tummy starts to cramp again." Hoseok spoke in hopes of being helpful, Jin smiling at him gratefully.
"Thank you so much Hobi. Joonie, could you please get a cup of juice from the kitchen?" Jin asked, the leader out in a flash. They all wanted nothing but to be helpful when caring for their youngest, especially when he was little and vulnerable like he is now.

After crushing the tablets into the juice and somehow encouraging the little to down most of it, Namjoon picked Jungkook up and held him protectively in his arms while he and the rest of the members made their way to Jungkook's room. Jin had taken Jungkook's temperature a minute or two prior. 38°, not too severe but bad enough for the members to know that they had to keep a close eye on their little one for the next couple of days. If it got worse they wouldn't hesitate to take him to the hospital or call a doctor, just to make sure that their baby would recover and be happy and healthy as quickly as possible.

When they got to Jungkook's room, they found that Taehyung and Jimin had completely tidied the littles bed and added his favourite stuffed animals to it, along with a fan and a hot water bottle off to the side. Not only that, but they had also set up mattresses across the floor and placed a blanket and pillows on the sofa in Jungkook's room so that none of them would have to leave him alone tonight. They'd all be right there, and it's certainly what Jungkook would want.

"This is brilliant guys, good thinking." Namjoon praised the second and third maknaes, Taehyung and Jimin nodding quickly before moving out of the way so that Namjoon and Jin could get into bed with Jungkook, sandwiching the sick boy comfortably in the middle. Jimin placed the bowl by their bedside incase Jungkook starts to feel nauseous during the night, before everyone started making their way into the room to settle for the night. Yoongi took the sofa, Hoseok got a mattress to himself while Taehyung and Jimin had no problem with sharing one with each other.

"We love you Kookie." Taehyung spoke up softly, Yoongi adding a 'sleep well, little one' into the mix of soft goodnight messages as the little hummed contentedly and snuggled into Namjoon. Jungkook was the first to fall asleep, and the shared relief in the room could be felt between each member as they finally settled down to sleep, Jin not forgetting to gently kiss the back of Jungkook's head before he joined the others and also fell asleep.

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