Can't slip - Vminkook

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 2-4
Caregivers!Jungkook and Jimin


Taehyung had his university finals coming up in two months, and the boy hadn't stopped studying for hours a day since a month ago. He wasn't sleeping right, and his boyfriends had only began to notice that this was becoming a real issue when he wasn't eating right either.

Four weeks, it had been, since Taehyung had last slipped into littlespace. He just couldn't. It was a new record for him by a mile, and each day it was showing more and more how much he needed to find some time to relax and just slip. Jungkook had a day job as a trainer at a local gym while Jimin had an eight hour shift each day as a police officer. That meant that Taehyung was left alone in their apartment for most of the day if he wasn't at school, studying non-stop until his brain couldn't handle it and he'd be forced to sleep.

...Which generally ended up being around two in the morning, slumped over his desk until one of his boyfriends would find him like that and carry him to bed.

"Baby, I'm home!" Jungkook called as he came through the door at some point during the afternoon, chucking his bag of gym equipment to the side and stretching his arms out as he walked into the apartment. His eyebrows quickly furrowed.
He frowned when Taehyung gave him no response as the older would generally at least give him an affirming hum from his study room, but what Jungkook did hear was a loud crash and a whimper somewhere within the loud noise. The younger rushed to the study, knocking gently on the door out of concern. It's not like he could just barge in, Taehyung hated being disturbed when he was so focused on studying, but Jungkook and Jimin had been worrying about him anyway and this just made him worry more.

"Tae, are you alright?" Jungkook called through the door, hand already turning the handle when he only got a strangled sob in response.
"K-Kookie..." Taehyung choked out when the younger of his two boyfriends burst into the room, Jungkook seeing him curled up on the floor with a shaking frame and knees pulled to his chest. Stationary and papers were strewn all over the floor, the drawer of his desk having fallen out, and Taehyung was sat in the midst of the chaos with tears streaming down his face.

"Oh my God, baby." Jungkook gasped, quickly scooping the boy up into his arms and sitting on the floor with Taehyung in his lap. The boy just started sobbing, pressing his face into Jungkook's chest and clutching tightly onto the younger's hoodie as if he was gonna leave him if he didn't.
"Woah hey, it's okay. You're alright sweetheart, I've got you." He soothed as Taehyung just cried and gasped against him, the younger hugging his trembling body tightly with strong arms.

"I-It's too m-much daddy!" The little wailed as the tears only fell more quickly, Jungkook's eyes widening at that. Taehyung was stressing and panicking so much that his mind had forced him into littlespace for the first time in a month, so Jungkook worked out that he must feel really awful right now.
"I know baby, I know. Daddy's here, tiny." Jungkook whispered in a soft voice, pressing kisses to Taehyung's temples and rocking him softly in his arms. This wasn't good.

For the past few weeks, Jimin and Jungkook had desperately been trying to help their boyfriend out and coax him out of his room every once in a while to eat, or maybe just to get him to be little for at least a few minutes. It never worked. The boy had been so consumed in the stress and anxiety of his upcoming exams that he hadn't even realised how much he was neglecting himself. And now here he was, having been thrown into littlespace with little to no control while he sobbed and shook in Jungkook's arms.

Once Taehyung had calmed down considerably, now only sniffling as he sat on the younger's bed, Jungkook took matters into his own hands. He pulled out his phone, quickly pressing on a specific contact before pressing the device to his ear.
"Jimin, is there any way you can come home early? Our little boy has had a bit of a breakdown. Yeah, he's little right now. You can? Great. Huh? Yeah he's okay at the moment, don't rush. Alright perfect, see you in ten, love." Jungkook spoke into the phone, placing it on the dresser and turning to Taehyung when he heard the little whimper.

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