Icky - Sope

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Request from: @DorkMuffin07 🍃

Little!Hoseok ~ Mental age: 3-5


"Hobi, I'm going to the studio to pick some stuff up that I left on Friday. I probably won't be long." Yoongi spoke as he grabbed his car keys and slipped on his shoes, and Hoseok stood up to give him a quick kiss goodbye.
"Alright, I'll make some sandwiches for when you get back." The younger said with a warm smile, and Yoongi nodded, pressing another quick kiss to Hoseok's forehead before walking out of the door, and Hobi shut it behind him.

He immediately frowned.

He'd been feeling a little under the weather recently, with a sniffly nose, achy muscles and a sore head. It hadn't been too bad for the past couple of days, and he'd waved off his boyfriend's worries while saying 'it's just a cold' or 'I'll be fine after I've got some sleep', but this morning he felt like whatever bug he'd caught had reached it's peak, and he was suffering.

It's all well and good having a frustratingly runny nose, sneezing constantly and his chest being a little sore from coughing (it's not corona guys, cHiLe), but he really wasn't good with pain, and with his headache gradually getting worse and worse and his muscles aching more and more, he'd been teetering on the edge of littlespace for at least and hour now.

And if he was to slip without Yoongi there? God, little Seokie was gonna be a mess.

He shivered as a chill washed over him, doing exactly what Yoongi had told him to do if his symptoms started to get worse, and grabbing some paracetamol from the cupboard. Hoseok filled a glass of water in a hurry, knowing that he was too afraid to swallow tablets when he was little, and the more seconds that passed the smaller he began to feel. The moment the tablets were down, he let himself slip fully, an upset pout and glossy eyes taking over his expression as he waddled back into the lounge and curled up on the sofa, body wracking with a few chesty coughs that caused him to whimper in pain. Looks like he won't be making those sandwiches after all.

But no matter how hard he tried to shut his eyes and block out how awful he was feeling, he began to cry from the discomfort and immediately reached for his phone that was in his pocket. Yoongi had taught little Seokie how to call him in case of an emergency, but in his state of distress he ended up clicking on the wrong contact, calling Jimin instead.

"Hyung? Everything okay?" Jimin spoke with a tone of confusion once he'd picked up the call, but his eyes quickly widened when he heard Hoseok crying and whimpering on the other end.
"Oh Seokie... what's wrong, bub?" Jimin asked in concern, changing his tone to a gentler one when he realised that Hobi was little, and hearing a small sob in response.

"I-I wan daddy! N-need daddy..." the little cried, and Jimin tried his best to hush him over the call to get him to calm down a little.
"Alright, bubba. Hold on, I'll call your daddy and tell him that you need him, okay?" Jimin spoke softly, Hoseok sniffling and humming in response, thanking Jimin quietly before the younger male ended the call, leaving Seokie alone once more.

But after receiving the call from Jimin, Yoongi was on his way home in that instant, reaching their apartment block and rushing upstairs to get to his boyfriend. When he reached their door he opened it quietly, but was quickly jumped at by a crying little, Hoseok gripping onto Yoongi's clothing tightly and stuffing his face into the older's chest.
"S-Seokie feews icky daddy!" The little sobbed, and Yoongi frowned immediately, running a hand through Hoseok's hair and finding it to be almost saturated with sweat.

"Alright, sunshine, don't stress. Daddy's here." Yoongi soothed the boy, somehow prying him off of his body and taking his hands in his own.
"Does your head still hurt, baby?" He asked with brows that were furrowed in concern, and Hoseok pouted, bottom lip trembling as he nodded slowly which made Yoongi coo. Even like this Hoseok was just as cute as ever, and Yoongi didn't even try to hide how he gushed about his adorable boyfriend anymore, because to him, he was truly the most precious thing on Earth.

"Awh, I'm sorry, sunshine. Does anything else hurt?" He queried gently, seeing as the little let go of one of his hands and sniffled as he wiped his eyes with his free hand.
"Seokie achy. B-But big Seokie taked t-tabwets for pain go bye-bye." He mumbled, hearing Yoongi hum with sympathy and letting his caregiver drag him to their bedroom, where Yoongi gently lifted Hoseok up and sat him on the bed. As Yoongi tended to him and got him changed into comfy, warm clothes, Hobi quickly started to feel guilty about making his daddy rush home to him, and he whimpered, quickly catching Yoongi's attention.

"What's wrong, cutie?" He cooed, grabbing a tissue and gently wiping at the boy's cheeks to pick up the tears, getting another for his nose.
"'M sowwy. Daddy w-was busy an Seokie m-maded daddy come h-home. A-An Seokie didn make d-daddy lunch." He spoke with a noticeable pout as he looked down at his lap, but immediately felt Yoongi's hands cupping his cheeks, forcing him to look up at the older.

"You don't have to worry about that, doll, you're a lot more important to me than any of that. Let daddy help you to get all comfy, and then you can take a nap, alright?" He reassured the little, seeing as Hoseok smiled a little and nodded, giggling softly when Yoongi pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.
"Now, which stuffie do you want to sleep with you? I'll tell the special one you choose to take extra extra good care of you." Yoongi said with a smile, and Hoseok's eyes immediately lit up.

"I wan bubbews!" Hoseok giggled, wincing a little at his continuous headache, but the painkillers were certainly doing their job as it was now only a dull pain. Yoongi walked over to the pile of Hoseok's stuffies that were in the corner of the room, picking out the large dolphin plush that little Seokie had fondly given the name of 'bubbles'.
"Now bubbles, my baby is not feeling well so you've gotta take really good care of him for me, okay?" Yoongi spoke to the toy in a jokingly serious tone, moving his hand so that it looked like bubbles was nodding in response to his request and making Hoseok giggle happily.

"Daddy siwwy." He said with a wide smile, Yoongi sending the little a wink before handing him the beloved toy and pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose.
"Take a nap, bubba. I'm gonna go and make you some soup for you to wake up to, so while I'm in the kitchen bubbles will protect you, okay?" Yoongi spoke in the gentle tone that little Seokie loved, and the little nodded, yawning as his eyes became lidded and he lay back against the pillows.

"Fankies daddy. Seokie an bubbews wuv chu." The little spoke tiredly, making bubbles wave goodbye to Yoongi by moving the toy's flipper, and Yoongi cooed fondly, feeling his heart explode from too much cuteness. He may seem like a cold and reserved man sometimes, but Yoongi was completely whipped for his little boyfriend, and anyone could see that.
"Daddy loves you too, sunshine."
"An bubbews!"
"How silly of me to forget! And I love bubbles, of course."
"Nini daddy."
"Sleep well, baby."


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