Nightmares - Namkook (part 3)

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"Owie! Dat huwt-"
Jimin woke up in littlespace suddenly to the feeling of being kicked harshly in the thigh, his exclamation of pain waking Taehyung who was out of his headspace.
"What's going on-" Taehyung stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Jungkook whimpering and writhing around in his sleep, and his eyes widened, the other little mirroring his expression of worry.

"Minnie, go get daddy." Taehyung spoke quickly, slightly cringing at calling Yoongi that out of headspace, but he knew that Jimin wouldn't understand otherwise. Placing his hands on Jungkook's shoulders, Taehyung lightly shook the boy, trying to wake him up.
"I-iss Kookie gon b-be otay?" Jimin stuttered out, clearly worried and slightly frightened, but Taehyung nodded and smiled reassuringly before ushering Jimin to go and get Yoongi, the older little quickly complying.

Jungkook woke up suddenly, a sharp gasp leaving his lips as he felt cold sweat drip down his face, breathing a little faster than usual. He tried so so hard to hold onto his big headspace, but immediately felt himself slipping, a shaky whimper passing his lips as his body trembled. Tears started to tumble from his big doe eyes, and that's when Jungkook felt a pair of hands on his cheeks, wiping his tears.
"Heya bud, look at me, it's okay. You want a hug from hyungie?" Taehyung spoke softly, and Jungkook just whimpered and nodded, falling into Taehyung's chest and hiding away, trying to get away from the nasty nightmare.

"K-keep seein s-scawy monstews, h-hyungie! Dey w-won leab Kookie a-awone..." Jungkook sobbed, and Taehyung frowned with sympathy, gently rubbing the younger boy's back to soothe him.
"Shh Kookie, don't be afraid. Your hyungies and your daddy will protect you." Taehyung comforted him, but at the mention of Namjoon, Jungkook couldn't help but feel more tears brimming in his eyes.

"I-I wan my d-dada..." he cried, clinging to Taehyung like his life depended on it, and luckily that's when the door opened, Namjoon hurrying in with Yoongi and Jimin on his tail. The moment that Yoongi and the oldest little had gone over to his dorm and told him that Jungkook had another nightmare, Namjoon hadn't hesitated to follow them back to their dorm and to the littles' bedroom immediately.

He felt his heart melt when he saw Jungkook curled up in his friend's arms, noticing how Taehyung whispered something to him, and Jungkook's head snapped round to look at Namjoon immediately, tears and snot running down his puffy face.
"D-dada!" He sobbed childishly when he noticed his caregiver standing there, making grabby hands for him, and Namjoon immediately cooed and picked him up.
"It's okay, bub. Dada's got you." Namjoon hummed, bouncing the little in his arms as Jungkook sniffled and whimpered against his shoulder.

"'m so tiwed dada." Jungkook hiccuped, and Namjoon frowned and gently pressed a kiss to his forehead, letting Jungkook rest his head on his shoulder.
"I know, bunny. You'll get some sleep soon, I promise." He whispered, and he was hoping that he could keep that promise, because he had a plan. He'd discussed his plan with Yoongi over a cup of tea a few hours back, and the older had immediately agreed to help and get his littles involved.

Taehyung frowned, rubbing his tired eyes before standing up and walking over to Yoongi, lightly tugging on his hand.
"I need to slip, can I?" He asked quietly, Yoongi turning to him with reassuring eyes and nodding.
"Of course, baby, I need to talk to little Tae anyway. Do you want me to help you?" He asked, knowing well that Taehyung wouldn't have asked for permission to slip unless he was struggling to do it alone or he was feeling sad.
"Yes please." He muttered shyly, Yoongi smiling and sending a knowing nod to Namjoon, before gently taking Taehyung out of the room and leaving the two alone.

Jungkook continued to sniffle, but he'd calmed down considerably as he stuffed a thumb in his mouth and suckled on it, which Namjoon noticed. He sat down on the bed with the little in his lap, kissing the tiny freckle on his nose before tapping Jungkook's hand.
"Let's take this out, hm?" He hummed, and Jungkook whined with furrowed brows, but took his thumb out of his mouth all the same. But his pouting quickly stopped when Namjoon pulled out his favourite dummy and popped it in his mouth, the little humming softly and shutting his eyes for a moment.

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