Fight - Jikook (part 1)

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Little!Jimin ~ Mental age: 1-4

Side ships: Taegi and Namjin


One month ago:

"Jungkook, am I... am I too clingy?"

"What?? No, of course not Jiminie. I love big and little Jimin's cuddles and clinginess and I always will. It's just another one of those things that make me love you, and it's honestly adorable if you ask me."

"Really? I've been worried that I'm annoying you-"

"Never baby, you could never annoy me."

"I love you Kookie."

"I love you too, my love."

Jimin had honestly had a bad day. His body ached, he hadn't got much sleep the previous night, and his little self was in serious need of cuddles. That's why when he got home, the first thing he did was seek out his caregiver, hoping that Jungkook would be able to provide the stressed little at least a little comfort.

"Yoonie, hab yoo seen my daddy?" Jimin asked his little friend who was playing peacefully in the lounge, the older boy seeming to think for a second before nodding, his mint hair bouncing cutely as he did so. Jimin lived with Yoongi who was little Jimin's best friend, Taehyung who was Yoongi's caregiver and big Jimin's best friend, and his boyfriend Jungkook.
"Mhm! He cookin." Yoongi said as he raised his arm and pointed to the kitchen, Jimin thanking him with a small smile and waddling his way into the kitchen.

Sure enough, Jungkook was standing over the hob, stirring a pot which a distinct frown on his face. Turns out, he hadn't had a great day either. He'd woken up in a bad mood but had managed to keep everything under wraps until he got scolded by Hoseok hyung at dance practice, and ended up leaving to go home early because he was too tired and unfocused to carry on training that day. Taehyung came home with him, both of them finding that their boyfriends had both slipped and were playing together in the garden, the sight bringing a smile to Taehyung's face as it would have Jungkook's if he wasn't in such a bad mood.

"Daddy?" Jimin called for Jungkook, but the younger didn't seem to hear him, so he shuffled closer and tugged on the maknae's shirt.
"Daddy daddy daddyyyy." He said repeatedly, the young caregiver swiping Jimin's hand off of his shirt and turning to the little with a frustrated expression, and Jimin stumbled back with wide eyes. Jungkook was never agressive, he was always soft and caring, so the quick movements shocked the little quite a bit.

Just to his luck, when Jimin stumbled back, he managed to accidentally knock over Jungkook's coffee that was placed at the edge of a nearby table, and Jimin gasped as the dark liquid splattered onto the floor, narrowly missing his fluffy blue panda socks that he was wearing.
"Jimin!" Jungkook growled in annoyance, and Jimin could feel himself slipping more as he inwardly panicked and quickly returned the now-empty mug to an upright position.
"Minnie sowwy! Didn' mean to, I sowwy daddy." Jimin apologised over and over as the younger groaned and turned to Jimin with narrow eyes.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" Jungkook snapped, causing Jimin to look down at his feet like he would when he was being told off, feeling as if he'd been a bad boy.
"M-minnie sowwy. I just wan ask daddy fow cuddews becos-"
"Seriously?! Can you please learn to be patient? My God you're being so clingy." Jungkook said the last part under his breath, but Jimin heard it loud and clear, eyes widening and welling with tears as his buried insecurities quickly began bubbling to the surface again.

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