Colouring - Vmin

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Little!Jimin ~ Mental age: 0-2


Jimin was a small little. He enjoyed being non-verbal when he slipped, but luckily for him, his boyfriend always knew exactly what he wanted without him having to say a word. In fact, Taehyung found his little hand gestures and exaggerated expressions super cute, so he wouldn't change it for the world.

"Do you want a drink, lovely?" Taehyung called over to his little, Jimin nodding softly with a shy smile as he made an 'O' with his hands. Taehyung nodded and went into the kitchen, grabbing a sippy cup from the cupboard and the orange juice from the fridge in order to prepare the drink for his baby who was sat quietly at the table, a blank sheet of paper in front of him.

When he walked over to Jimin and handed the bottle to him with a kiss into his hair, Jimin smiled softly and said a quiet 'fankoo' which had Taehyung fonding over him immediately.
"Stop being so adorable." He groaned, squishing the little's cheeks and making the blonde-haired boy giggle at how his lips got squished together.
"You want a dummy, sweetpea?" Taehyung hummed, seeing how Jimin's eyes lit up and knowing that as a clear 'yes'.

Taehyung grabbed Jimin's favourite dummy from the drawer and popped it into the little's mouth, before noticing how Jimin had a paper and crayons, but hadn't started drawing yet.
"What's the little one gonna draw today?" The caregiver asked, pulling up a chair next to Jimin and seeing how the little's brows furrowed, clearly thinking hard about it, before he shrugged softly.

"You're very small today, Minnie, don't you have any more colouring sheets left?" Taehyung asked, but Jimin shook his head, huffing and pouting behind his dummy as he let go of the crayon and stared at the blank sheet of paper, unsure of what to do.
"Hey hey, c'mon sweetheart, don't be all pouty. You know what? Daddy has an idea." Taehyung said, pulling the blank sheet of paper in front of him and grabbing a black pen.

Jimin looked puzzled, so Taehyung chuckled and pressed the pen to the paper, beginning to draw a large squiggle across the whole page. The places where the lines crossed over created lots of little blank shapes, and once Taehyung had finished it, he pushed the sheet with the squiggle back in front Jimin who tilted his head in confusion.
"It's a special colouring page for my baby. You can colour in all the little shapes lots of different colours, and make a pretty picture!" Taehyung spoke with enthusiasm, and Jimin immediately smiled and nodded, giggling as he picked up a red crayon and began to colour in lots of random little shapes with it.

"Fankoo daddy." He spoke quietly, and Taehyung couldn't help but grin at that, pressing another kiss to his little boyfriend's head, before going and sitting on the sofa.

He was about half of the way through a movie when he felt a hand tug at his trouser leg, looking down from the TV to see Jimin sat on the floor in front of him, looking up at his caregiver expectantly.
"Oh, heya bub." Taehyung chuckled, reaching down and lifting the little up so that he was sat in his lap, facing him. Jimin immediately giggled shyly behind his dummy and held up the piece of paper right in front of Taehyung's face, making the younger man laugh and pull it away slightly so that he could see it.

"Wow Minnie, it's amazing! Aren't you so talented." Taehyung spoke, looking at the very colourful drawing with a smile, before turning back and pressing a kiss to Jimin's nose. He watched as the little blushed and hid his face shyly behind his small hands, making the brunette coo and smile fondly.
"Wanna pop to the shops and get a frame to put it in? Or do you wanna put it on the fridge?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin did an excited little dance, before pointing to the door.

"Alright alright, the shops it is. Maybe if you're good I'll let you choose something small to get too, how does that sound?" Taehyung prompted, and Jimin gasped and nodded, getting Taehyung to pick him up and carry him to the door. After helping Jimin on with his shoes, the two were out of the door and in the car in a flash, Jimin running straight into the passenger seat as he giggled and clapped his hands in excitement once he'd taken his dummy out , a big smile on his face.

Taehyung loved that smile so much. He loved when Jimin was happy, and his happy little was so enjoyable to be around, especially when he was excited. The blonde boy stayed reasonably quiet on the way there, but Taehyung had to remind him not to hurry off once or twice in the car park and the store, holding tightly onto the little's hand so that he wouldn't get overexcited and run away.

"Calm down, sweets. Daddy doesn't have enough energy to go running after you." Taehyung chuckled, seeing Jimin turn to face him, before nodding obediently and practically gluing himself to his caregiver's side as they went to find a small picture frame. When they reached a shelf that displayed them, Jimin obviously picked a fancy one with pretty flowers engraved into it, and who was Taehyung to say no?

"Daddy?" Jimin spoke timidly, Taehyung humming as he turned to look at the smaller boy that was fiddling with his fingers.
"What is it, bub?" He asked, and Jimin pouted and pointed to a large rack of stuffed animals, eyes sparkling as he looked at them.
"C-cans I get a stuffie... pease? M-Minnie wiw take vewy vewy gud cawe of it." His voice was quiet and shy, and Taehyung smiled, ruffling the older boy's hair as he nodded slowly.

"Alright then, go and grab the one you want." He chuckled, seeing Jimin's eyes light up as he nodded excitedly and ran to the stuffed toys, immediately plucking out a big fluffy tiger and hugging it to his chest.
"Hello mistew. Can you pwease pass me one of those?"
Jimin looked down to see a young child pointing up to the toy he was holding, and after looking up to Taehyung for a nod of reassurance, he smiled and grabbed one from the shelf, before handing it down to the kid.

"Thank you!" The child giggled, running back over to his parents while Jimin skipped over to Taehyung, still smiling giddily.
"That's my good boy." Taehyung praised him, kissing the little's head and hearing Jimin squeak at the action, hiding behind his new stuffed toy.
"Come on, baby. Let's go home and get your drawing framed, shall we?" Taehyung spoke as he led Jimin to the till to pay for the toy and the picture frame, grinning when Jimin nodded vigorously, clearly very happy.

 Let's go home and get your drawing framed, shall we?" Taehyung spoke as he led Jimin to the till to pay for the toy and the picture frame, grinning when Jimin nodded vigorously, clearly very happy

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