Mine mine mine - Jinkook

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Request from: @HannahAnis19 💕

Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 2-4

Side ship: Vminnamseok
Littles!Taehyung and Jimin
Caregivers!Hoseok and Namjoon


"Where's my little bunny, hm?"

Jin chuckled softly as Jungkook popped his head through the top of his hoodie with a big smile, the caregiver finishing dressing the little and taking a moment to stand back and admire him.
"God, you're so cute." He hummed, seeing the little blush and hide shyly behind his hoodie-covered hands with a soft whine, that only prompting Jin to sweep his hands away and pepper his face with kisses.

"Are you looking forward to seeing your friends, bubba?" Jin asked as he gently brushed Jungkook's hair considering it was getting quite long and needed taming, and Jungkook nodded happily. The maknae wasn't a very verbal little, he was shy and quiet but very, very giggly, and Jin was sure that there was no way that he could possibly be cuter.

Once Jin had handed the little a dummy and cleared their empty plates from lunch, the doorbell rang, Jungkook running up to it and bouncing as he waited for Jin to open the door. The moment he did, two slightly older littles burst in and tackled Jungkook with hugs, the smallest little squealing and giggling as his hands were grabbed by Jimin and Taehyung, and he was dragged into his playroom.

"Sorry! They're a bit hyper today." Hoseok chuckled sheepishly, Jin just smiling and shaking his head.
"It's not a problem, Koo's equally as excited." He laughed, quickly waving to Namjoon who was sat in the car.
"See you in a couple of hours, hyung, and don't be afraid to call me if they're being nuisances." Hoseok said with a chuckle and an eye-roll, and once he'd nodded and waved them off, Jin shut the door and made his way into the play room.

"Uncwe Jinnie! Come pway wiff us!" Taehyung yelled excitedly when Jin entered the room, Jungkook jumping slightly at the older little's loud voice which Jin noticed, the caregiver chuckling softly and walking over to gently ruffle Taehyung's brown hair.
"Inside voice, Taetae. Koo doesn't like loud noises." Jin said with a soft smile, Taehyung gasping and nodding, hugging Jungkook before making the motion of zipping his lips shut, causing the others to chuckle quietly.

Taehyung and Jimin were pretty loud and demanding when they were little, always needing attention and they'd get pretty bratty when they didn't get it, which is one reason why Hoseok reassured Jin that it was okay to call him if things got out of hand. But when they were happy and playful, they were just two adorable and clingy littles. Jungkook was quite the opposite, considering he was quiet and sensitive, but he was very possessive over Jin and that was something that the older littles liked to test.

"Uncwe Jinnie, can I hab some nana miwk pease?" Jimin asked, seeing the eldest nod and turn to Taehyung.
"You want some too, bud?" He asked, the brunette nodding with a grin, while Jungkook pouted silently as Jin left without asking him.
'I wan nana miwk too...'
Jimin turned to the others with a smug look and crossed his arms, pointing his nose into the air.
"I'm uncwe Jinnie's favouwite." He said, Taehyung gasping and shaking his head while Jungkook's brows furrowed and he frowned behind his dummy.

"Nuh uh! I am!" Taehyung shouted, Jungkook flinching again at the loud voices and covering his ears as the two argued over who Jin liked more, while he was secretly arguing in his head that it was him. That's when Jin came back in, handing a sippy cup of banana milk to each of the littles who shut up immediately, and he chuckled softly at Jungkook's confused expression when he also received one.
"I didn't even have to ask, bub. There's not a single person who doesn't know that you love banana milk." He said, seeing Jungkook's expression light up as he exchanged his dummy for the bottle, suckling happily.

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