A little toothache - Koobi (part 2)

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A continuation of Jung_hopie_hopie 's request as requested by lovelybabycherry and jimintoothbrush 😂💜😌


"Baby... c'mon, we're gonna be late for your appointment if you keep this up." Jungkook sighed, failing to open the bathroom door that Hoseok had locked from the inside.
"Das da point!" Hoseok squealed, making Jungkook chuckle lightly as he rested his forehead against the door.
"Button, what's our third rule for when you're little? Can you tell me it?" Jungkook spoke in a voice that was clear, knowing that the little had heard him when he was met with a hesitant silence, before hearing a small sigh and the lock being removed.

Hobi pulled the door open slowly, a pout on his face as he looked down at his feet.
"Don lock doows..." he mumbled quietly, Jungkook nodding and humming as he brought a hand to the little's chin and gently lifted his head so that he could make eye contact with him.
"That's right, bub, we don't. Now, why don't you tell daddy why you're so scared?" Jungkook said gently, petting the little's hair to soothe him considering the older boy was rather jittery.

"Cos denentists hab scawy toows... a-an iss gon huwt!" Hoseok whined, hugging his caregiver and whimpering.
"Don make me go, daddy!" He cried, Jungkook hushing him and bending down so that he could pick him up, allowing the little to wrap his legs around his waist and press his face into his shoulder.
"Sweetheart, you woke up twice last night because of how much your tooth was hurting. Daddy doesn't like seeing you in pain, and I know that you're trying to be brave, but you're hurt and we need to go to the dentist so that it doesn't get worse. Do you understand that?" Jungkook said in a tone that was soft yet serious, and Hoseok pouted and nodded against his shoulder, allowing Jungkook to grab his car keys and carry the little out of the house and to his car.

Once he'd made sure that Hoseok was safely strapped in, Jungkook got into the driver's seat and began driving. He noticed that Hoseok was extremely tense beside him, fiddling anxiously with his fingers, and Jungkook just knew that he was overthinking it. The maknae moved a hand from the wheel and gently placed it on Hoseok's thigh, feeling the little slowly flip his hand over and intertwine their fingers, and Jungkook squeezed his hand reassuringly as they neared the dental practice.

"It'll be fine, darling. Relax." He hummed softly, Hoseok nodding slowly as he bit his lip in fearful anticipation when they pulled into a parking space and the engine was turned off. Jungkook turned to the little and gave him a soft smile, lifting the little's hand to his lips and gently kissing his knuckles.
"Let's go over this again. What do you say when the nice dentist asks your name?" Jungkook asked, seeing how Hoseok looked up at him obediently.

"Hobi." He replied, and Jungkook nodded with a smile before continuing.
"And what do you say when they ask what the problem is?"
Hoseok thought hard for a second, before taking in a confident breath.
"I huwt my tooth on a sweetie." He answered, trying to disguise his little voice a little, because if the world found out that he was a little, things would go wild.

"And you make sure to say if they make it hurt too much, okay sunshine?" Jungkook said, and Hoseok nodded, smiling a little to his daddy because he knew that Jungkook was a little worried too. Littlespace wasn't exactly a well-known thing, and some people can be pretty nasty about it. So considering Jungkook knew that Hoseok wouldn't be coming out of his headspace any time soon, the maknae was very careful, and Hobi listened to his every word.

"You've got this, bub. If you're a brave boy today, I'll buy you a new stuffie on the way home. How does that sound?" Jungkook offered, smiling as Hobi's eyes lit up and he nodded, getting out of the car the moment Jungkook unbuckled him.
'Gonna be bwave, gonna be bwave, gonna be bwave...' he chanted in his head as they walked into the dental practice, clinging onto Jungkook's hand for dear life while the maknae spoke to the lady at the counter, and before they knew it, a dentist was leading them down the white halls of the building and to a specific room at the back.

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