Flower shop - Vminkook

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Request from: ohmanholytae 🌺

Littles!Jungkook and Jimin ~ Mental ages: 2-5


"Daddyyyyyy, awe chu neawy done?" Jimin whined, leaning on his back over the counter to gain his caregiver's attention, and Taehyung simply chuckled and ushered him off of the surface, dusting a few leaves off of Jimin's back.
"Just twenty more minutes, love, that's all. Why don't you go and sit with Kookie? I'm sure he'd love to tell you all about the book he's reading." Taehyung suggested, pointing to the younger little who was sat at the back of the petite flower shop, crouched on the floor with a picture book in his hands and a look of pure curiosity in his eyes.

Jimin pouted but nodded, skipping behind the bunches of flowers and to the corner by the large windows at the front of the small shop, sitting in front of Jungkook and trying to look over the top of the book to see the pictures, but the younger little just whined and pulled the books towards himself, a look of annoyance crossing his features.
"Mm don do dat! Come hewe if chu wan to see, otay?" Jungkook said, patting the space beside him and shuffling over to make room for Jimin, and the older little smiled gratefully as he crawled next to Jungkook and sat himself down in the space that the other had created.

"Wanna make a supwise fow daddy wib Minmin?"
Jungkook looked up at Jimin with big eyes, immediately putting his book aside and nodding excitedly.
"Otay! Wachu wanna do?"
"We gib daddy flowows!"
"Ooh... wainbow flowflows?" Jungkook suggested, and Jimin gasped.
And thus, their master plan had begun...

"I'll have your bouquets ready for your wedding, you don't need to worry, Miss Mun. And I have to say, the colour scheme you've picked is lovely, everything will look gorgeous." Taehyung said with a warm smile to an older woman across the counter, and the lady smiled and bowed, giving Taehyung the money that she owed him.
"Thank you so much, Mr Kim, your flowers are going to be the perfect addition to the venue. I really look forward to seeing them." She said with the same bright smile, bowing again as she walked out of the small flower shop, passing by bunches and buckets of beautiful flowers, every colour displayed somewhere in the shop.

Taehyung sighed contentedly as he looked around his small shop, seeing how beautiful the flowers looked in the golden evening light that poured through the huge, crystalline windows at the front. It had such a cosy environment, and such a fresh and inviting smell that the brunette had grown to love so much; he enjoyed every hour spent working there. Every bouquet was arranged and put together by him, and he took pride in the pretty sight that the rows of flowers presented to anyone who'd take a step inside.

That's when Jungkook's head popping up over the lilies caught his attention, Jungkook immediately ducking back down and hiding behind the flowers when Taehyung noticed him.
"Sweetpea, what are you up to?" He asked in a sceptical tone with a small smile, hearing quiet giggles behind the many leaves that shielded the littles from his view.
"Nuffin!" Jungkook squeaked, causing the older to chuckle and shake his head, wondering what the two were so excited about.

"Babies, I'm packing up now, okay? Five more minutes and then we're going home." Taehyung spoke into the room, not knowing where the littles were but seeing them pop up and run from one place to another every now and again, giggling and hiding away from Taehyung.
"Otay daddy!" Jimin called from somewhere in the shop as Taehyung got to clearing his work station and taking the money from the till, sweeping the floor and packing his bag, ready to go home.

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