Bad memories - Taejin

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 2-5

⚠️Trigger Warning: Mentions of emotional ab*se⚠️

A/N: And to all of you dealing with past trauma, little or not, I'm here to support you 🖤it is my job to proteccc 😤


It was a normal day for Taehyung and Jin, a day like any other. The little sat with his caregiver in the lounge, Taehyung on the floor, or rather on a little red cushion that Jin had given him so that he wouldn't be uncomfortable. He was drawing a picture for his caregiver, not entirely sure of what it was gonna be yet, but he kept pressing his crayons to the paper nonetheless, enjoying the pretty colours.

"What are you drawing, sweetie?" Jin asked softly, turning his head away from the TV in front of him and to his blue-haired little who gasped and covered the drawing with his hands so that Jin couldn't see.
"Iss a surprise... no peekin!" He squealed, causing Jin to chuckle and cover his eyes so that the little giggled.
"Alright alright, hyung won't look until you're done, love." Jin spoke, and Taehyung beamed, turning back to his drawing eagerly as Jin sighed and stood up.

"Want a drink honey? I bought apple juice cartons." Jin asked, and Taehyung looked up and nodded eagerly; apple juice was his favourite when in littlespace.
"Yes pease hyungie."
Jin smiled and bent down to ruffle Taehyung's blueberry hair before walking out to the kitchen, leaving Taehyung to his drawing.

The moment his caregiver left, Taehyung instantly frowned. He'd been feeling a little... iffy, since he woke up a few hours ago, and as time went on these nasty feeling just grew and grew inside of him. He didn't like how it felt as if a sinkhole had opened up in his stomach, growing larger the more his unwanted thoughts tried to devour him. He dropped the crayon that he was holding to the floor when the realisation hit him. They were back, the thoughts and memories were back.

There was a reason that Taehyung discovered littlespace in the first place, that reason being one that he tried so damn hard to shove to the back of his mind. But it would surface on random days, and this must have been one of those days. When he was younger, up until he was put into boarding school and left the house for good, Taehyung grew up with awful parents. It was back and forth torture from the moment he'd wake up to the moment he'd get back into bed in the evening, every night spent sat sobbing in his bed with his hands over his ears as his parents fought and argued loudly, often about him.

By the time he turned ten, he was already numb to the insults they'd throw at him, his father's swearing, his mother's guilt tripping, all of it. More than once had he tried to run away and more than once had he been found and forced to go back, back to the insults and the swearing and the emotional pain.

"You're fucking useless, you know that?!"

"Everyone else's children are beautiful and perfect, why can't you be more like them?"

"I feed you, I keep a roof over your head and I care for you, and this is what I get in return?? A shit drawing?! Pour me a glass of wine before I 'forget' to make your dinner."

Taehyung froze at that thought and looked down at the drawing he'd done for Jin, face dropping immediately. There was a rainbow in the background, the colours a little mixed up but Taehyung didn't have a blue crayon so he had to improvise. And in the centre of the drawing was him and Jin, holding hands and smiling in their form of squiggly lines and artistic colours. And Taehyung hated it. It wasn't good enough. Jin deserves more than a drawing, and he probably wants more than a stupid drawing too, Taehyung thought.

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