Cuddles - Maknae line X Hyung line

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Little!Maknae line ~ Mental ages: 0-5
Caregivers!Hyung line


"Taehyung, get down from there!"
"Jungkook, I swear hyung told you that you're not allowed to draw on the walls-"
"Jimin, put that away! Where'd you even get that?!"

The bangtan household was hectic.

The boys had been given a week off to relax in their shared dorms, and the littles were quick to take advantage of this, of which their hyungs didn't mind at all. They actually encouraged them to slip considering it would help the younger ones to cope with the stressful work weeks, but sometimes things could get a little... out of hand.

Let's just say, only two hours had passed after lunch and all three littles were sat in time out, looking at the ground in shame as they sat on the floor with their four caregivers standing in front of them, arms crossed.
"Minnie didn mean it." The oldest little grumbled with a pout, hearing Jin sigh when he looked up with glassy, angry eyes.
"I know hun, but you've been naughty, do you understand that?" Jin spoke, Jimin holding back the urge to roll his eyes before nodding sadly and looking down.

"We want to hear an apology from all of you. Kookie, you start, bun." Namjoon said, watching with soft but stern eyes as all three littles looked up, cowering underneath their caregiver's gazes.
"I... I-I'm sowwy fow not eatin lunch an drawin on da waws. K-Kookie won do it again."  The youngest stuttered, Yoongi nodding and walking forwards to him with a smile, scooping him up from the floor and letting Jungkook cling to him.

"S-Seokie h-hyung?"
Hoseok looked down when another small voice spoke up, heart practically shattering when he saw Taehyung making grabby hands for him, tears in his eyes.
"Just apologise Taetae, tell me what you did wrong." Hoseok asked, trying hard to keep his stern composure when his words caused a small whimper to come from the little.

"I sowwy fow climbin on da table! Pease, Taetae wan uppies! P-Pease..." He cried out, whining and reaching out for Hoseok with desperation before being picked up into the older's arms and taken from the lounge to go and play with Jungkook, being gently hushed by Hoseok and Yoongi as the four walked out.
Jin and Namjoon looked down to the last little, clearly awaiting something. Jimin noticed this and his brows scrunched in confusion and frustration as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Minnie not gon say sowwy." He huffed, and Jin raised a brow as he crouched down in front of him.
"And why's that?" He asked, the little turning away from him and sticking his nose into the air.
"Cause Minnie did nuffin wrong!" He exclaimed, refusing to make eye contact with the older members as he heard them both sigh at his stubbornness.

"Sweetheart, you touched Yoongi's stuff when he told you not to and refused to tidy your room when we asked. Not to mention you didn't share your toys with Kookie this morning, does that sound like nothing to you?" Namjoon asked, but Jimin stayed resolute, keeping his arms folded and shaking his head.
"Minnie didn do dat." He said angrily, his bratty attitude being something that would come out more when he was stressed, so the caregivers took a mental note of that before speaking again.

"Don't lie Minnie, lying leads to no cuddles, you know this." Jin warned in a deeper tone, but Jimin just huffed aloud and stormed out of the room and upstairs despite being told not to move, shocking the other two. Namjoon gave Jin a worried and puzzled look, yet the older just waved a hand at him and tilted his head in the direction of the playroom.
"Give him time to cool off, we both know he'll be screaming for attention in about fifteen minutes." Jin said, and Namjoon chuckled a little with a shrug, knowing he was right.

Or at least he should have been.

Half an hour had passed, and Jimin hadn't once called down to them or even come downstairs, when usually he couldn't stay alone for more than five minutes. It was Taehyung who pointed it out, the little frowning as he looked around the playroom and noted all of the people there.
"Where Minnie?" He spoke in a small voice, frowning more when he saw Jin and Namjoon glance at each other.
"Wah dids you do to Minnie!?" He yelled immediately after, springing to his feet and glaring at the four caregivers.
"Calm down Taetae." Hoseok said in a hushed voice as the little fidgeted angrily where he was standing, wanting to do something.

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