Jealousy - Vminkook

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Request from: @HeyxImxAsh 🍡

Little!Taehyung and Jungkook ~ Mental ages: 3-5

As promised~

Jungkook watched the other two with a frown, attempting to entertain himself with his bunny stuffie in his lap, but he was feeling left out. He couldn't help but notice how clingy Taehyung had been with Jimin lately because he'd been rather stressed, and though that usually wouldn't be a problem for Jungkook, he was finding the lack of attention a little upsetting after it had continued for a couple of days. Jimin obviously tended to him too, just not as much, and Taehyung still played with him, but not as often as he usually does.

And little Kookie is a little possessive over his boyfriends.

"Higher, Daddy! Higher!" Taehyung giggled when Jimin lifted him up and spun him around, the shorter male groaning and dropping Taehyung back on the sofa. Taehyung had been in a much younger headspace recently, definitely smaller than Jungkook, and little Tae was just a ball of energy.
"That's enough now, Daddy's tired." Jimin huffed as he slumped onto the sofa next to Taehyung, wiping his forehead while a disappointed whine sounded from Jungkook who was still sat in the middle of the carpet.

"But Kookie wanded a go too." He whined, to which Jimin just shook his head, closing his eyes momentarily as he slowly lay back against the cushions.
"I can't do it with you, bub, you're too heavy. Sorry, Koo." Jimin explained gently, but what he wasn't expecting was for the little to huff angrily, throwing his stuffie down and storming out of the room before Jimin had the time to stop him.

"Uh oh." Little Tae mumbled, frowning softly when he heard a door slam, "Kookie iss not happy."
Jimin sighed and sat up, casting his eyes in the direction of the hallway that Jungkook had stormed down.
"I wonder what's gotten into him?" He mumbled to himself as he stood up, telling Taehyung to stay put with a kiss to his forehead and a dummy between his lips, before walking out of the lounge to find Jungkook.

"Koo?" Jimin called softly, knocking thrice on Jungkook's door that he found to be locked. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"Go 'way." Jungkook grumbled from behind the door, tight voice indicating that he was on the verge of tears, and Jimin frowned.
"Aw bunny, why are you upset?" Jimin cooed, but it only seemed to agitate Jungkook more, the little whining in frustration while keeping his door locked shut.

"Leab Kookie awone!" He yelled, sitting down in front of the door with his arms crossed, and though Jimin couldn't see him he could definitely picture his angry pout.
"Alright." Jimin sighed, looking at his watch. "I need to go cook dinner, so I'll come back to check on you in a bit, alright bub?"

Jimin decided to leave him alone as he'd requested, knowing that Jungkook was a rather stubborn little and he wasn't one to give in when he was angry like this. With Jungkook in his room and Jimin cooking in the kitchen, Taehyung started to get a little restless from where he sat alone on the sofa. Peppa pig on the TV just wasn't cutting it anymore.

That's when he spotted Jungkook's bunny plush which the younger had named lula. It had actually been a gift from big Taehyung to little Jungkook a year or so back, and the maknae never went anywhere without it, especially when he was sad. Taehyung clumsily got off of the sofa, crawling over to the soft toy and picking it up.

"C'mon Lula," He mumbled behind his dummy, clutching the bunny to his chest while he stood up, "we gotta find Kookie."
Taehyung hummed to himself as he waddled down the hallway, furrowing his eyebrows when he didn't find the other little in their playroom, but then he spotted Jungkook's closed door and his eyes lit up.

"Kookie~" He sang in a small voice, knocking on Jungkook's door. "Iss Taetae! I bwought Lula."
There was silence for a few seconds, before the clicking of the lock being removed was heard, and Jungkook slowly opened the door. When he saw Taetae holding his bunny toy, he immediately glared at him.
"Gimme." He snarled, snatching the plush from Taehyung's arms and making the brunette's eyes go wide at the action, stumbling back a little.

"Don touch Kookie's stuff!" Jungkook yelled at him, holding the toy protectively away from Taehyung's grasp, and it made the brunette's bottom lip quiver a little, slightly frightened.
"T-Taetae was jus t-twyin to make Kookie happy." He stammered, but Jungkook just continued to glare at him.
"Taetae don make Kookie happy! Taetae make Kookie sad!" He continued to shout, ignoring the way Taehyung's eyes glossed over with tears.

"T-Taetaed fauwt Kookie is sad?" Taehyung whispered, to which Jungkook nodded vigorously.
"Iss aww Taetae's fauwt!"
At all of the commotion, Jimin found himself turning off the stove and hurrying to Jungkook's room to inspect what was happening, eyes widening when he found Taehyung sobbing in the doorway.

"Hey hey, why are we shouting at each other, hm?" Jimin hummed with a frown, seeing Taehyung turn to him for comfort and opening his arms to him.
"Because!! Taetae is... ugh!" Jungkook shouted, clearly frustrated, and Jimin immediately felt how Taehyung sobbed into his chest out of discomfort.
"Kookie, inside voice. You're scaring Taetae." He spoke a little more sternly, but by now Jungkook was crying too.

"I wan Daddy time!" He cried and stomped his foot, hugging Lula to his chest while frustrated tears rolled down his cheeks. "A-an Taetae time! But Kookie n-no get it!"
Jimin froze, his hand stroking Taehyung's hair pausing momentarily, and he picked Taehyung up while nodding over to the bed.
"Baby, come and sit down." Jimin spoke gently in Jungkook's direction, and though the boy pouted, he did as he was told.

Taehyung sat on one side of Jimin with his head on his shoulder and Jungkook sat on the other, the caregiver turning to Jungkook and bringing a hand up to wipe the tears from his cheeks.
"Darling, if you feel left out you come and talk to Daddy, okay? You don't shout at Taetae, it makes him nervous. How would you feel if Taetae started shouting at you?" Jimin lightly scolded him, to which Jungkook frowned and bowed his head.

"Bad." He mumbled in response, and Jimin nodded, gently ruffling his hair.
"So what do you say to Taetae?" The oldest prompted, and Jungkook turned to look at the other little, guiltily meeting eyes with Taehyung's glossy ones.
"Kookie iss sowwy." He spoke quietly but sincerely, and Taehyung stayed quiet but made grabby hands for the younger, asking for a hug.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile a little, jumping up and tackling Taehyung on the bed, which had the younger little giggling loudly as he fell back. Jimin smiled with relief; that admittedly went smoother than he'd expected.
"Sowwy Taetae maded Kookie sad." Taehyung whispered from where they were cuddled up on the bed, and Jungkook shook his head, pressing his forehead to Taehyung's.
"Iss Otay! Not Taetae's fauwt." He responded with a smile, taking Taehyung's dummy that had fallen out when he tackled him backwards and returning it to his lips.

"I'm sorry I haven't been giving you enough attention, bub. We can do whatever you want now if you'd like." Jimin spoke up, carding a hand through Jungkook's hair, and the maknae just looked up at him with a bashful expression.
"Jus cuddews? Pease?" He asked politely, and Jimin instantly nodded, wrapping both arms around his littles and making them squeal with laughter when he tickled their sides.

Jungkook lay on Jimin's chest and between his legs, with Taehyung cuddled into Jimin's side. Jimin sighed; Jungkook was heavy but he seemed far too happy to be moved, so he didn't dare do so.
"I love you both~" He sang, hearing Taehyung hum behind his dummy while Jungkook giggled and mumbled an 'I love you too' into his chest. They may be a handful, but Jimin's cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much. It was definitely worth it.

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