Big boys - Jikook X BTS

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Request from: @HaiiiImRain 🍩

Littles!Jungkook and Jimin ~ Mental ages: 1-5

Gosh, I'm sorry updates are so slow T-T
I kinda lost motivation and I want all of my oneshots to be written as well as they can be, especially if they're requests, so I'm so sorry it's been so long <\3


"Minnie... wewe not suppose to be smol."
"Shh, I knows! We gots to be big."
"But Kookie no know how!"
"Minnie can't either..."
"What do we do??"

The members had a very busy day today, having just got back from a live interview, and now they had dance practice and preparation for their trip to America in two days. Yet after the pressure of the interview, both littles had accidentally slipped without the other members knowing, and now they had a dilemma. Working while being little was... challenging, to say the least, and working while being little while also trying to hide the fact that they'd slipped was practically impossible.

But we're they going to try? Duh.

Jimin and Jungkook tried so hard to hold back when they were dancing, but ended up bursting into a fit of giggles, moves a little sloppy. They didn't take note of how Yoongi and Hoseok were giving them weird looks, while Taehyung whispered something to Jin. The eldest immediately broke out into a small smile and nodded.

"Guys? What's so funny, hm?" Jin asked with a raised eyebrow and a secret little smile, seeing how the littles looked at each other before shutting up immediately.
"Nothin!" Jungkook peeped, Jimin's face turning red from beside him as he tried his very hardest not to laugh.

"Hmmm... alright, if you're sure." Jin played along, turning to Namjoon and signalling a dummy with his hands, and Namjoon chuckled softly and nodded. Seems like he'd noticed too. Taehyung had noticed and had told Jin, who'd told Namjoon, and the other two figured it out the moment they heard Jungkook's voice.

But were they gonna tell the littles? Nah, the tiny maknaes seemed to be having too much fun trying to keep their little secret.

And so dance practice continued, the other members being lenient and disregarding the fact that Jimin and Jungkook's moves were a little wobbly, but their concentrated expressions were just so cute. Practice ended early because Hoseok called it off the moment they noticed Jungkook getting tired, the seven of them making their way to the lounge where their lunch would be brought to them.

Taehyung and Jin exchanged looks, the younger of the two grinning before pulling something out of his pocket. It was a small stuffed toy that belonged to Jungkook, and although the sleepy little was fighting hard to look awake and alert, the small bear had his attention almost immediately. He gasped and was about to shout the bear's name, eager to go and take it from his youngest caregiver, but he stopped himself and sat back against the sofa.

He had this concentrated, almost angry look on his face, trying his hardest to act big. The caregivers found it adorable.

"Well would you look at that? I wonder who's little bear this is." Taehyung spoke aloud, placing his other hand on his chin as if he was trying to think about who it belonged to, and Yoongi played along.
"Ah! Must be mine, why don't you give it to me?" He said, and that had Jungkook breaking out of his facade almost instantly.

"Nope! Nope nopey nope, iss mine! Iss mine, Papa, don gib it to Daddy!" Jungkook yelled in a small voice, running over and jumping on Taehyung's lap to try and reach the bear that the brunette was holding up, making Taehyung let out an 'oof'.
"Oh, of course. How silly of me." Taehyung chuckled, handing the bear to Jungkook and pecking the little's head when the maknae started happily babbling to himself, already slipping straight into babyspace because it was hard work pretending to be big when you feel around three.

But someone wasn't quite so happy.
"Kookie!" Jimin yelled angrily, standing up and stomping his foot as he folded his arms over his chest. The loud voice startled the younger little, Jungkook facing him with wide, frightened eyes.
"You wuined it! Now the hyungies know wewe not big boys!" He whined loudly, and poor Jungkook was too little, so he had no idea what was happening other than the fact that he was being shouted at.

The youngest's eyes quickly filled with tears, which Taehyung noticed immediately, the caregiver cooing and gently pulling the baby into his arms so that Jungkook could cry into his shoulder.
"Hey, Minnie, don't shout. Kookie doesn't like loud voices and neither do you." Yoongi gently scolded the blonde little, and Jimin sniffled and sat down on the carpeted floor with a huff, an angry pout on his lips.

"Minnie?" Hoseok called, the blonde little refusing to make eye contact with him and letting out nothing more than a "hmph" in response. A couple of the caregivers chuckled softly; he was too cute.
"You know what I think?"
"I think you were a very good actor. Were you really pretending to be a big boy all along?" Hoseok finished, gasping dramatically to make his point, and Jimin's eyes immediately lit up.

"Mhm! I was pwetendin the whole time!" Jimin giggled, a proud expression on his face.
"Wow, baby, I hadn't even realised. We totally fell for it." Namjoon tagged along, and Jimin beamed, jumping up and running over to sit on the sofa between Namjoon and Jin, but another voice caught his attention.
"Guys, he could be acting right now! Maybe he's not even little." Yoongi gasped, jokingly narrowing his eyes at the little who laughed aloud, grinning widely.

"Siwwy Daddy! It's me!" He giggled, running over to Yoongi to give him a hug that Yoongi couldn't possibly refuse, before glancing over at Jungkook. The youngest had mostly calmed down, Taehyung now gently wiping the sticky tears from his cheeks.
"Hi cutie." Taehyung chuckled softly when Jungkook opened his glossy eyes and faced him, looking at Taehyung with curiosity before playfully patting his hair.

Jimin waddled over to the two, finding a clean dummy on the table and sitting down on the sofa next to them.
"Minnie iss sowwy, Koo. Youw a good actow too!" Jimin said with a smile, which of course none of which Jungkook understood, but he giggled and made grabby hands for Jimin.

"Be gentle, okay?" Taehyung hummed to the blonde little who nodded eagerly, opening his arms. Taehyung lifted Jungkook off of his lap and placed him next to Jimin, Jimin hugging him almost instantly, and it made all of the caregivers coo in adoration.
"Good boy, Jimin." Jin praised softly, and Jimin smiled and gently pushed the dummy between Jungkook's lips, causing the youngest to gurgle contentedly. Jimin wiped a hand across his forehead, acting as if caring for Jungkook for ten seconds was hard work.

"Whew! No mow bein a big boy fow Minnie." He said, eliciting laughter from everyone else in the room while their food was finally brought in for them.

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