Princess - Yoonkookseok

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Little!Hoseok ~ Mental age: 5
Caregivers!Yoongi and Jungkook

CW: Lil Seokie will be crossdressing and enjoys feminine petnames when he's little, so if you have a problem with that you can move swiftly along~


Hoseok, as bright and bubbly as he is in his big-headspace, is known to be incredibly shy when he slips. He's always hiding behind one of his boyfriends and clinging onto the back of their shirts whenever they have to talk to managers or strangers, and he gets super quiet and insecure, constantly needing encouragement and affirmations from his caregivers when he's feeling little.

Today, Jungkook had gone shopping with Jimin and Taehyung since they had a day off, and the maknae wanted to buy Yoongi the laptop he wanted and Hoseok some clothes. He enjoyed surprising them, and despite how much Jimin and Taehyung would chuckle and tell him that Hoseok was a spoilt little, he wouldn't stop getting things for their baby boy. Just watching the red-heads eyes light up every time he says that he got him a gift makes it all more than worth it.

Hoseok had been hinting rather subtly that he was desperate to buy a skirt, but he could never tell Yoongi or Jungkook directly. If he ever tried his cheeks would heat up and he'd end up babbling nonsense, and then likely get too shy to bring it up again. But his boyfriends were very good at knowing what he wanted, especially when he was small, and if he wanted a skirt, they were going to get him a skirt and shower him with compliments when he wears it. The little enjoyed embracing his feminine side when he slips rather than his more masculine side, enjoys dressing up and and loves the petnames that his boyfriends would use for him. 'Princess' and 'peaches', they made him feel so loved and pretty.

"Hey Kook! How about this one?" Jimin called his friend over in the clothing store, and Jungkook ran over to where Jimin and Tae were stood. Jungkook grinned when he saw the item that the shorter male was pointing at, and nodded.
"Oh nice, that's literally perfect, I'll go buy it now and then we can head over to the electronics store." Jungkook said, the older two nodding and giggling as they carried their clothing items to the till as well, which was unsurprisingly a lot of stuff.

Jungkook placed the skirt on the counter, and the lady behind the till smirked as she put it into a paper bag while Jungkook paid.
"Ooh, who's the lucky girl?" She spoke in a sensual tone, and Jungkook lifted his head, raising an eyebrow when he saw that the cashier was not-so-subtly checking him out. He scoffed and clicked his tongue, swiping the bag off of the counter with a cocky head tilt.
"It's for my boyfriend, actually." He spoke with a smirk, winking and walking away with the bag as the lady took on an expression of shock, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Pfft, you told her." Taehyung laughed as Jungkook followed them out of the shop, the maknae grinning with a cocky shrug.
"I don't like being assumed as straight, thank you very much." He spoke, and Jimin chuckled.
"That's fair enough."

After eating lunch together, the youngest three picked up their bags and headed back to the dorms, and Jungkook said goodbye to them before running upstairs to his room where the other two should be.
"I'm back!" He called once he'd entered the apartment, and was immediately greeted by a happy little who ran at Jungkook and hugged him as soon as he heard him enter.
"Appa!" He squealed happily, Jungkook stumbling back and gently dropping his bags before chuckling and hugging the little tightly.

"Heya bub. Where's your daddy? I've got something for each of you." Jungkook said, watching as Hoseok's eyes lit up and he bounced on his toes in anticipation.
"He in da kichin! You haff somfin for Seokie?? Seokie wan see!" Hoseok looked to the bags in excitement, growing impatient as Jungkook held them behind his back and chuckled with a shake of his head, putting them down on the sofa.

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