Tiny - Yoonmin

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Request from: @myguccibabybear 💃

Little!Yoongi ~ Mental age: 0-2


Jimin chuckled as he zipped up the grey cat onesie that he'd help Yoongi into, squishing his little's cheeks when Yoongi grinned and made grabby hands for him.
"Is someone extra tiny today?" Jimin hummed, and Yoongi babbled shyly, hiding his face behind sleeve-covered hands when Jimin cooed and lifted him into his arms.

Yoongi latched onto him like a clingy koala, head going right to Jimin's shoulder and lips slightly suckling on the side of Jimin's neck, finding comfort in the contact.
"Ah, very small." Jimin could only chuckle in understanding, carrying his little boyfriend to the lounge so that he could sit on the sofa with Yoongi on his lap. He did just that, cuddling Yoongi to his chest and kissing his forehead when the older boy whined softly.

When he felt how Yoongi kept quietly nomming on his collarbone, Jimin reached over to a small table that was by the sofa and picked up one of Yoongi's favourite dummies off of it. However, when he tried to switch the dummy in replacement for his skin, Yoongi whined and scrunched his hands into little fists, refusing to take it.

"Baby, c'mon." Jimin sighed, but Yoongi turned his face away from the comfort item in Jimin's hand and immediately burst into tears, small hands gripping at his caregiver's shirt as he cried out of frustration. Jimin quickly stopped what he was doing with a short sigh and put the dummy aside, placing his hands on the little's waist and rubbing his sides gently.
"Hey hey, don't cry, tiny. Shh, daddy's here." Jimin immediately cooed, bouncing the little in his lap and kissing his head while the boy hiccuped and whined.

"Want a bottle, bubba? Hm? Shall daddy get you a bottle?" Jimin hummed as a desperate attempt to calm him, and Yoongi sniffed, blinking a few times, before pouting and nodding softly. He rubbed his irritated cheeks on Jimin's shirt when the younger male sighed with relief and picked him up again with a huff, but the slight jolty movements made the little giggle softly. Jimin could only smile; happy Yoonie was his kryptonite.

"Ba, ba!" The little chanted, pointing towards the kitchen while they made their way there, and Jimin laughed. It
"That's right, poppet. We're gonna get your favourite bottle." He chuckled, kissing the little's nose and setting him down on the counter by the sink. Yoongi did a happy wiggle and giggled quietly, chewing on his sleeve as he swung his legs that were dangling from the countertop.
"Look at you." Jimin cooed, wiping the remaining tears from Yoongi's cheeks and smiling down at his shy baby.

He looked so innocent and dazed when he just sat there with his sleeve in his mouth and his big, glossy eyes staring up at Jimin, and the caregiver would have stayed and fonded over him a little longer if it wasn't for his very important task at hand. Jimin warmed the little's milk up in a different cup so that he could transfer it to Yoongi's sippy without worrying about the little burning himself, but before he could do so, Yoongi thought it was an amazing and hilarious idea to snatch the sippy and throw it as far across the kitchen as he could.

The moment he did so he squealed with laughter and clapped his hands, pointing to the bottle on the floor and babbling something incoherent, all while Jimin stood there with his hands on his hips and a raised eyebrow.
"Looks like this is gonna be a long afternoon, hm?" He sighed, but it's not like he could ever stay mad at his baby, because the moment the little turned to him with a content smile, Jimin had immediately forgiven him for absolutely everything on Earth.

"You are so lucky that you're cute." He huffed and squished Yoongi's bread cheeks, and the little giggled and watched with a slight head tilt as Jimin went over and picked the bottle up. Once he's finally managed to pour the warm milk in the bottle, he tried picking Yoongi up again, but the little started to get agitated and wriggled around in his arms.
"Mmf!" Yoongi huffed, pointing to the floor, and Jimin chuckled and set him down. The little immediately seemed more happy, quietly babbling to himself as he crawled across the kitchen and into the lounge.

"Baby, wait for daddy." Jimin called, so naturally, Yoongi let out a squeaky laugh and started crawling away from him faster. The younger could only smile and laugh at his cheeky little, pretending that he couldn't catch up with him and sitting on the sofa as he kept an eye on the boy crawling around the lounge.

"Pumpkin, come cuddle. You're making daddy tired with all of this running around." Jimin joked lightly, and Yoongi smiled shyly, making his way over to Jimin's feet and immediately being lifted onto the sofa.
"Ba ba!" He immediately demanded, making grabby hands for the bottle in Jimin's hand, and the younger made him wait a moment before handing it to him.

"Patience, tiny, daddy hasn't forgotten." He chuckled, stroking the little's hair when Yoongi began suckling on the bottle, those big eyes staring up at Jimin once again.
"You're adorable." He could only gush, pressing his lips to Yoongi's forehead and taking note of how the little's eyes fluttered shut at the contact.

Jimin lifted an arm over Yoongi's head to let him cuddle into his side, wrapping his arm around the baby's shoulders and noticing how Yoongi whined softly and snuggled into him.
"Sleepy baby." Jimin cooed, nuzzling his nose into Yoongi's fluffy black hair while the little closed his eyes and made himself comfortable with his head on Jimin's shoulder, hands lightly clutching at Jimin's shirt in his half-asleep state.

Jimin had an emergency blanket folded on the arm of the sofa for times like these, so after turning the tv on and the volume down, he unfolded the blanket and gently lay it over the two of them. He wasn't originally planning on it, but he too ended up falling asleep on the sofa, cuddled up on the sofa with his little and a fluffy grey blanket.

Y'all got this book to 100k reads??? 🥺 that's insane, I love you guys and I'm so glad you enjoy my awful writing ㅠㅠ💜I'm still doing requests and I really need ideas, so if you have anything in mind, please don't be afraid to ask! (But please giv...

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Y'all got this book to 100k reads??? 🥺 that's insane, I love you guys and I'm so glad you enjoy my awful writing ㅠㅠ💜
I'm still doing requests and I really need ideas, so if you have anything in mind, please don't be afraid to ask! (But please give requests in dms or in the 'introduction and requests' chapter so that I can find them easily!)

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