Clumsy baby - Namseok

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Request from: @itznotareum 🍡

Little!Namjoon ~ Mental age: 3-4


"Can I... can I be small?"

Hobi turned his swivel chair at his desk in order to face Namjoon who was standing at his office door, smiling warmly at the younger. He held him arms out, and Namjoon could only smile sheepishly and shuffle over to the older male who stood up to hug him. Once Namjoon came close enough, Hoseok wrapped his arms around the younger, feeling how Namjoon sighed under his touch and immediately let his head rest on Hobi's shoulder.

"Did something happen?" The older spoke gently, knowing that Namjoon tended to slip after he'd had a bad day, but the younger leader just shook his head and hugged Hoseok back.
"No, I'm just really tired." He mumbled in response, causing Hoseok to hum and let go of him, before taking one of the younger's hands in his own.
"C'mon, I just finished my work so let's get you home."

Namjoon gradually slipped as he walked down the office hall holding Hoseok's hand, and the caregiver knew that Joon was small the moment he started swinging their hands and skipping alongside him.
"Heya pumpkin." He chuckled, the little looking up at him with a dimple smile and puffy cheeks.
"Hi dada." He giggled, continuing to skip down the hall while the older watched him with fond eyes, holding tightly onto Namjoon's hand so that he wouldn't trip over or go running off.

"Can we go to the pawk befow we goes home?"
Hoseok sighed, seeing that it was already getting dark outside.
"Baby, it's getting late, the park will be all dark when we get there." He tried to reason with the little, but Namjoon immediately stopped skipping and frowned.
"But Joonie hass been wowkin aww day! Pease, dada? Joonie wiw be a vewy good boy." Namjoon whined, and seeing the pleading look on his little boyfriend's face, Hoseok couldn't help but nod after a tired sigh. Namjoon squealed with happiness, quickly hugging his caregiver in thanks before pulling Hoseok along, skipping once more.

It was nearly 8pm when they reached the local kid's park, the swings and climbing frame lightly illuminated by a couple of nearby street lamps. It wasn't a cold night, it was actually pleasantly warm, and Hoseok smiled softly as he sat on a bench and watched as his baby giggled with joy and almost instantly went for the slide in the centre of the park.

"Wanna get pushed on the swings, love?" Hoseok called out to him, and Namjoon gasped, nodding aggressively and making his caregiver laugh as he tried to get down from the climbing frame as quickly as he could.
"Baby, slow down, you'll-"
Namjoon fell flat on his face on the rubber floor.
"-fall over."

Namjoon's bottom lip wobbled, and he burst into tears almost immediately, causing Hoseok to sigh and run over to him. He crouched down in front of the boy and carefully pulled him up to his feet, dusting off the little's clothes before pulling him in for a hug. Namjoon quickly calmed down as he melted into the older's arms, stuffing his face into the crook of his neck and whimpering.
"Clumsy baby." Hoseok cooed with sympathy, rocking the little against his chest and feeling as the younger's sobs gradually turned into sniffles.

"You need to be more careful, hm?" The older spoke, pulling Namjoon back and cupping his face so that he could wipe his tears with his thumbs, and Namjoon nodded with a pout, leaning into Hobi's touch.
"'M-m sowwy dada." He stammered, rubbing arms his own eyes, and Hoseok could only smile at him fondly.
"It's okay, darling. Do you have any owchies?" He hummed, seeing how Namjoon whined and pointed down to his knees that were scraped and bleeding a little.

"Ooh bub, that must be painful." Hoseok cooed, pressing a kiss to the upset little's forehead, and so he had a thought.
"Do you still wanna go on the swings?"
Namjoon nodded as if it was obvious.
"Alright, we'll do that, and then we can go home and you can have some sweeties while dada cleans your knees, okay?" He suggested, and Namjoon's eyes lit up a little, the younger taking his dada's hand and walking over to the swings with him.

"Higher, dada! Higher!" Namjoon squealed merely five minutes later, giggling and smiling as he gripped onto the chains of the swing and swung his legs. Hoseok smiled and continued to push him for another tens minutes, before he was entirely worn out, and Namjoon was getting tired. Hoseok made sure to stand in front of the swing when Namjoon went to jump off, catching him and making Namjoon giggle yet again.
"I don't want you falling over again." Hoseok chuckled breathily, and Namjoon gave him a sheepish smile, letting Hobi drag him out of the park and back to the older's car.

Hoseok stayed true to his word and bought Namjoon some sweets in a one-stop on the way home, and he handed them to the boy the moment he'd got the first aid kit out, wanting to distract his little from the inevitable sting of cleaning his knees. Little Joonie wasn't exactly the best with pain.
"Take a deep breath, lovely. This'll sting a little." He warned gently, and although Namjoon pouted a little, he nodded and tried to eat his sweets as a distraction.

Hobi was careful as he cleaned the small bits of debris from Namjoon's injured knees, the little being still and quiet, until Hoseok went in to dab the wounds with a disinfectant.
"Owie owie!" Namjoon cried, shaking his head feverishly and furrowing his brows as he tried to get away from his caregiver, but Hoseok held him still and gave him a sympathetic look.
"Baby, if dada doesn't clean it, it'll get all icky and we'll have to go to the doctor. You don't want that, do you?" He spoke, and Namjoon gasped, shaking his head more.

"That's what I thought. Besides, the quicker I patch you up, the quicker you can have cuddles." The caregiver reasoned with him, and Namjoon immediately put on a brave face, nodding to his daddy to continue, which made Hoseok smile.
"Jus... jus fink about the cuddews." Namjoon whispered to himself as he squeezed his eyes shut and allowed Hoseok to finish cleaning his knees, opening his eyes to see a little spongebob plaster on each knee.

"Good boy." Hoseok praised, making Namjoon smiled and blush. The little hopped off of the chair that he was sat on, giggling and running into the lounge with his sweets so that they could watch a movie. Hoseok got the message pretty quickly, letting the little choose a movie with the remote as he sat on the sofa and immediately scooped the boy into his lap.

"All better now?" The caregiver hummed, planting a kiss on the back of Namjoon's head, and the little grinned and nodded, contentedly smuggling into the older.
"Aww bettew."

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