Don't wanna slip - Taegi

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 5-6


"Are you excited, darling?" Yoongi spoke, talking to the brown-haired male who sat quietly beside him in the car. Taehyung turned to him with a grin and nodded, before a look of realisation washed over his features, and he quickly dropped the excited smile, clenching his fists in his lap. Yoongi noticed this with a frown, pulling into a parking spot before reaching over and gently placing a hand on the younger's arm.

"What's wrong? Little Tae was super excited about coming to Disneyland a couple of days ago." Yoongi asked with a tone of concern, Taehyung sighing and leaning back against the car seat as he looked out at the theme park that towered in front of them.
"Of course I'm excited Yoons, very grateful too, it's just... I don't know... what if I slip while we're here?" Taehyung spoke nervously, whispering the last part, and he felt as Yoongi's hand gently travelled to his own hand and gave it a squeeze.

"When has that ever been a problem? If you're enjoying yourself and you feel small, let yourself slip, you know I never mind. Oh wait... baby... are you still thinking about what happened the other day?" The older asked when he saw Taehyung's soft lips curl into a frown, the younger nodding a little as he thought back.

What Yoongi was referring to was what happened at the mall a few days back. Yoongi had taken little Tae to go and buy him some new toys, so when Taehyung saw a giant fluffy tiger, obviously he'd quickly swept it from the shelves while giggling with excitement. But some teenagers had seen him, and they stared at him in a judging manner before loudly bursting into fits of laughter, pointing at the confused little and drawing unwanted attention to him.

Poor Taehyung had started crying when the strangers began teasing and mocking him, overwhelmed with embarrassment and confusion as he dropped the toy and quickly ran to go and find Yoongi, who had been looking for the little since Taehyung ran off to the toys without telling him. But when he found Taehyung, crying and trembling, he was quick to shoot glares at anyone looking before scooping Taehyung up and taking him home after the little had pleaded to him that they do so. Yet the things that those teens said have still replayed loud and clear in Taehyung's mind.

"Look at that! Oh my God he's holding a dummy, how embarrassing."

"Grow up man, you look pathetic."

"I'm getting such bad second-hand embarrassment right now."

"Oh boo hoo, baby want a bottle?"

"Did I just hear him say daddy? Ew, that's actually disgusting."

"You should be ashamed of yourself."

Taehyung didn't even realise he was crying until he felt Yoongi's warm hands wiping at his cheeks, the older leaning over in the car with a concerned frown on his face. 
"No no baby, don't cry. I'm here, yeah?" Yoongi spoke in a soft voice as Taehyung sucked in a deep breath and wiped at his own eyes, chuckling humourlessly and shaking his head at himself.
"I don't wanna slip if people are just gonna make fun of me. But it really doesn't matter... let's go." Taehyung said, forcing a smile as he got out of the car, Yoongi sighing before getting out, grabbing whatever they needed, and then walking to Taehyung's side.

He took the younger's hand in his own, seeing that Taehyung still looked a little uneasy as they walked into the theme park.
"Hey, other people's opinions don't matter, and I'll be right here to back you up either way, alright? Let's just have fun today." Yoongi whispered to the younger, squeezing his hand reassuringly when he saw Taehyung perk up a little.
"Yeah... you know, I never thought I'd be able to persuade you of all people to come to a theme park with me. Might as well make the most of this rare occasion." Taehyung said with a chuckle, his cheeky grin making Yoongi roll his eyes and snicker.

"I would only do this for you Tae, no one else." He mumbled, Taehyung giggling at that as he began to regain his excitement and started making his way towards the rides. They went on one of the huge rollercoasters since Taehyung begged Yoongi to go on it with him, and now they were walking through the people-covered paths once more in search of more activities.
"Anything you wanna go on Yoons?" Taehyung asked as he looked around, but he turned around and almost squealed with excitement when he saw Yoongi walking towards him with churros and a Mickey Mouse headband for the younger.

"Thank you! Wait... where's your headband?" Taehyung asked with a small pout, and Yoongi slightly grimaced before sighing; he'd never been able to say no to the younger. And so, he swept his own headband from his back pocket and put it on his head, rolling his eyes and smiling a little when Taehyung giggled happily. He could tell that the younger was definitely on the verge of slipping, and he reached out a hand to stroke Taehyung's hair.

"What does my little boy want to do next?" Yoongi asked him softly, and that was enough to make the younger immediately give in and slip into littlespace. The little looked around with wide eyes, before he spotted people dressed up as Disney characters entertaining some kids. He gasped and jumped up and down while pointing for his caregiver to see, but then realisation hit him and he suddenly stopped, gripping onto Yoongi and hiding behind him.

"Hey..." Yoongi spoke with a soft smile when he saw the nervous look on Taehyung's face, and he pulled the little out from behind him so he could see him fully, to which Taehyung whined in protest.
"It's okay, you're allowed to be little, pumpkin. C'mon, let's go and say hi, I know you want to." Yoongi said, seeing as Taehyung nodded tentatively while taking his caregiver's hand and walking alongside him.

They walked over, Taehyung shyly standing beside Yoongi as they patiently waited for the other kids to move away.
"Who is it, Taetae?" Yoongi asked with a dramatic gasp that quickly caught the little's attention, and Taehyung looked up with big eyes at the characters that were nearest to them.
"Stitch an Minnie." He replied confidently, but then started giggling, chuckling to himself as if someone had just told him a joke.

"What's so funny, hm?" Yoongi asked with a smile, tickling the little's sides and making him laugh louder.
"Seokie hyung caws Jiminie Minnie." Taehyung giggled, and Yoongi laughed and ruffled his hair.
"You're right! Why don't you tell her that?" Yoongi said, pointing to Minnie Mouse who had now turned her attention to them. Taehyung's excitement took over and he ran towards the character and hugged her, giggling as she acted surprised before hugging back.

"My fwend iss cawed Minnie, jus like you!" Taehyung said with a grin, already forgetting about his insecurities as he also waved to stitch before running back to Yoongi with the biggest smile on his face.
"Daddy look!" Taehyung squealed, holding up his hands for Yoongi to see.
"What've you got there, Taetae?" He asked with a small smile, Taehyung giggling as he clutched a small item in his large hands.

"Minnie gave Taetae stickers! I'm gon' gib them to Jiminie when we get home." Taehyung beamed, causing Yoongi to coo and ruffle the younger's hair. After that, the day went really smoothly, Taehyung seeming to have endless energy as he dragged Yoongi from one place to another until the caregiver was completely worn out.
"Taetae, it's getting late baby. We need to go home now." Yoongi said, holding out his hand for the little who looked over from the stall he was standing by and pouted.

"But daddy," he whined as he went over and took Yoongi's hand, "I don' wan go yet." He mumbled, and Yoongi sighed.
"I'll tell you what, daddy will buy you something on the way out. How does that sound, pumpkin?" He asked, and the pout was quickly swept from Taehyung's lips, the little bouncing on his toes.
"Come on daddy less go! What you waytin fow?" He said with a boxy grin, Yoongi chuckling and shaking his head as Taehyung pulled him along by their intertwined hands to the gift shop.

Ten minutes later, and Taehyung was walking out of the shop with a new Disney sippy cup, a giant Mickey Mouse plush and a huge smile. He beamed at his caregiver who walked up beside him and gave a kiss to his forehead.
"Are you happy, baby?" The older gushed, and Taehyung nodded fervently before hugging his daddy despite his arms being full. Yoongi found it amusing how Taehyung was able to break through his cold demeanour and make him a mushy mess, hugging his little back with a small smile.

"Fankoo daddy. I loves you." Taehyung said, voice slightly muffled by Yoongi's shirt. The older simply chuckled and pulled the little back, reaching and pressing a kiss into his hair.
"I love you too baby, so much."

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