Responsibilities - Vminkook

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Little!Jimin ~ Mental age: 4


"Tae, can you look after Jimin while I go and collect my guitar from Yoongi hyung's place?"
"Yeah, be quick."
"I will, don't take your eyes off of Chim."
"I won't."

Taehyung watched as Jungkook left their apartment, and sighed as soon as the maknae had shut the door. He was tired. Really tired.

He hasn't slipped in what was coming up to be three months, but hey, he'd been spending his time looking after Jimin ever since he and Jungkook found out that the oldest maknae was also a little. Taehyung loved looking after little Jiminie, and although he could be a bit of a handful sometimes, he always found a way to make his caregivers smile. Taehyung and Jungkook had been dating for a while now, and Jimin had made his way into their hearts enough for them to welcome him into their relationship.

However, it meant that little Tae was kinda... forgotten.

In the past, when Taehyung needed to slip, Jungkook would always look after him and care for him like he did for Jimin now. He would encourage him to slip when he was stressed, and would even buy him toys and little gear for when he was small. But now all that attention was on Jimin, because he was little most of the time and he slipped a lot younger than Taehyung used to, so he was more clingy and dependent on his caregivers.

And it seemed Jungkook had forgotten that Taehyung was a flip in the first place.

The fact that he hadn't been little for so long was starting to catch up with him, and Taehyung started feeling very drained, tired and sad when he was looking after Jimin. It wasn't Jimin's fault, and he loved their little, but he hated how jealous he felt. All he wanted was to be babied for one night. Or just to get out all of his old stuffed toys, and to be held like he used to be. But he couldn't, he had responsibilities to deal with.

"Papa! Cans we pway wiff the caws??" Jimin ran into the lounge to ask, waving a toy car in front of Taehyung's face, and the brunette groaned.
"Can't we just watch a movie instead? Papa's tired, baby." He spoke through a sigh, but Jimin just whined and folded his arms over his chest, pouting angrily.
"Papa nevew pways wiff Minnie anymow! Meanie!" He yelled, throwing one of the toy cars at Taehyung, resulting in the car hitting him harshly on the head.

"Ow! Minnie, don't throw things at people!" Taehyung hissed in pain, firmly rubbing his head with his hand and grimacing at the pain. He'd kill for a nap right now.

That's when the front door opened, and Jungkook immediately had a teary-eyed little running at him, Jimin whining and making grabby hands for the maknae.
"Woah, hey. What's wrong, bub?" Jungkook cooed with concern, placing his guitar aside so that he could immediately scoop the boy into his arms, and Jimin huffed.

"Papa bein a meanie! He won pway wiff Minnie." The little sniffled, visibly upset, and that angered Jungkook. He felt that Taehyung was being lazy and acting weird recently, and if it was upsetting their little boyfriend, he definitely had to confront him about it.
"Taehyung!" He shouted, walking into the lounge, only to see Taehyung sat on the sofa doing nothing.

"What the hell is wrong with you??" Jungkook growled, signalling to the little in his arms and catching Taehyung off-guard with his harsh tone.
"What?" Taehyung mumbled, voice quiet, and Jungkook scoffed.
"What? What?? You made him cry! Stop acting oblivious, you're not five." The maknae spoke, anger on the tip of his tongue, and Taehyung froze. Those words hurt a lot more than they should have.

"I-I'm sorry, I just wasn't in the mood to play cars with him and he got upset. If I knew he'd react like that I would have just played." Taehyung responded with a guilty frown, but Jungkook's frustrated expression didn't budge in the slightest.
"He's a little, Tae, you have to be more gentle with him and actually put some effort in from time to time. You're his caregiver too, so please, for the love of God, start acting like it."
The maknae pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh, before speaking up again.
"Just... grow up, I can't take care of two babies at once." Jungkook scolded, and Taehyung felt the ache in his heart doubling, nodding softly.

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