Emergency - Taehyung X BTS

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Request from: @Btsluvmeplz 🪐

Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 3-4

Caregiver nickname key heh...:
Daddy - Jungkook
Baba - Jimin
Dada - Namjoon
Papa - Hoseok
Appa - Yoongi
Hyungie - Jin

⚠️Trigger Warning: Drowning⚠️


"Tae, baby, please stay still."
Namjoon continued to struggle to put suncream on the little while was writhing around, whining about how the substance was cold and made him feel all sticky.
"Iss icky Dada! Taetae no like it!" The little whined and stomped his foot, and the leader sighed, standing back and folding his arms over his chest.

"Kim Taehyung if you don't stop whining I'll-"
"Hyung, relax. Let me handle him."
Jimin stepped forwards and crouched in front of Taehyung, seeing how the little pouted angrily and looked at the floor.
"Taetae?" He attempted to coax the boy to look up at him, but Taehyung was stubborn, and he just huffed at the sound of Jimin's voice.

"Sweetheart, you need to put the suncream on or you'll burn. We don't want that now, do we?" Jimin hummed, and Taehyung sighed, before shaking his head.
"Why don't you let Baba put suncream on your cute little face, and then you can go and make sandcastles with Hyungie and Papa. How does that sound?" Jimin said, and Taehyung seemed to contemplate it for a minute, before nodding and letting Jimin rub suncream onto his cheeks.

"Good boy." Jimin hummed with a soft smile, kissing Taehyung's forehead and making the little giggle shyly, before he ran off to go and join Jin and Hoseok at the edge of the water.
"How the hell do you do it?" Namjoon spoke incredulously as he shook his head to himself, and Jimin chuckled and stood up with a shrug.
"You just need to be patient." He replied simply, and Namjoon immediately scoffed.
"Oh please. I've had to put up with you lot for years, I have more patience than any of you." He said, causing Jimin to roll his eyes, though he knew their leader was probably right.

"Ow ow! Fuck! That's hot." Jungkook yelled as he ran over the hot sand, causing Namjoon and Jimin to laugh loudly while Jungkook leapt onto a sun bed to protect his poor feet.
"What your language, Kook. You know that Tae has a thing for repeating words that we don't want him to." Jimin laughed, and Jungkook scowled at him, before closing his eyes and making himself comfortable on the sunbed.

"God, it's busy today." Yoongi mumbled from a sunbed beside Jungkook, looking at the sheer amount of people on the beach, some people there to surf considering the waves were rather large today.
"Yeah. Is Tae with Jin?" Jungkook asked, Jimin nodding in response, and that's when they saw Hobi running up to them.
"Tae and Jin have gone for a swim, do you guys wanna come in?" He asked, and Jungkook and Jimin nodded while Namjoon shook his head.

"I want to do some reading."

Namjoon glared at Jungkook for his snarky comment, before shaking his head and swapping places with the maknae, resting on the sunbed. The sea was just full of people of all ages, some rather boisterous, and it meant that you had to be a little careful to avoid being shoved and bumped into by excited kids. Not only that, but staying clear of the surfers meant that everyone was crowded into one place, making it very, very busy.

The large crowds made Yoongi nervous, so he stayed further up the beach with Namjoon, while Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok paddled in the shallower waters. Everything seemed to be going just fine, but that's when they heard Jin shout to them. He sounded panicked.

"Hyung?" Jimin called, spinning around and seeing Jin swimming towards them in a rush.
"I can't find Tae! H-he's disappeared... I can't see him anywhere!" Jin yelled, and the other's eyes widened in horror, eyes immediately scanning the water for any sign of the little.
"You lost him?!" Hoseok yelled incredulously, and Jin looked extremely guilty as they began to fear the worst. Taehyung was feeling three today, and if he was separated from all of his caregivers, something bad was bound to happen.

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