Little - Yoonminseok

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Request from: -straystars- 💜

Little!Yoongi ~ Mental age: 2-4
Caregivers!Hoseok and Jimin

⚠️Warning: Tiny description of blood⚠️

"Is it just me who thinks something's wrong with Yoongi?"
Hoseok frowned and sat up to look at the blonde male whole lay beside him on their double bed, arms behind his head.
"In what way?" Hoseok asked, brows creasing in confusion as Jimin sighed and turned to him.
"He keeps locking himself in his room for hours at a time, he has days where he seems too shy to talk to anyone, and I thought I heard him talking strangely the other day." Jimin mumbled, and Hoseok's eyes widened.

"You heard it too?" He queried, Jimin locking eyes with him and nodding.
"Babe... if something was wrong, he'd tell us, right?" Hoseok asked with a hint of concern as he worried for their oldest boyfriend, and Jimin smiled reassuringly at him.
"Eventually, but for now I think we should try and work out what's going on and why he's being so quiet. It's always like this after we've had busy work schedules." Jimin said as he thought into it, and Hoseok sighed and sat up.

"You're right. He's making dinner tonight, so maybe we can ask then?" The older suggested, Jimin nodding in agreement and reaching his hand up, Hoseok chuckling and helping the smaller boy up and off of the bed.
"I'll go check on him now." Jimin spoke, Hoseok nodding as the shorter male left the room and started off down the corridor, Yoongi's studio being right at the end of it.

He chuckled at the 'keep out' signs that adorned the door of the studio, ignoring them as usual and knocking thrice with his fist against the wood. It took a couple of tries to get any response, but eventually Yoongi opened the door, only enough so that he could peer out and see who it was.
"Oh, it's you Jimin. I thought you'd invited Tae over again for a second." Yoongi mumbled, Jimin laughing as he recalled how Taehyung would always barge into Yoongi's studio, fascinated by the older's work.

"Nope, it's just me baby. I was wondering if you're still okay to make dinner tonight? It's getting late, so if you don't want to I can just order something." Jimin asked, seeing how Yoongi cursed under his breath and dragged a hand across his face, opening the door enough so that he could step out and int the corridor.
"Shit, yeah of course. Sorry, I lost track of time. I'll get started now." Yoongi sooke with an apologetic look, and Jimin sighed.

"You know, Hobi and I are worried about you. You've been acting off recently, and I hope you know that you can come to either of us if something is bothering you, okay?" Jimin said, Yoongi looking up at him with wide eyes, before composing himself and walking towards the kitchen.
"Uh... thanks, but I'm fine."

When Yoongi turned his head, Jimin's eyes caught sight on something bright and sparkly in Yoongi's hair, running up behind him and pulling it out.
"Ow! What the hell Jimin?!" Yoongi grumbled angrily as he felt the sharp pain of some of his hairs being pulled out, spinning around to face the younger male, but his expression immediately dropped and flooded with panic.

"What's this?" Jimin questioned with a raised eyebrow, holding up the pink hair clip in his hand for Yoongi to see, and Yoongi rushed forwards and grabbed it roughly from his hand, quickly stuffing it in his pocket.
"Nothing, it's nothing." Yoongi said rather too quickly, only making Jimin more confused, but his oldest boyfriend had already reached the kitchen before he could ask anything else.
Jimin let out a breath, deciding to leave it for now considering that it was just a plus that Yoongi was out of his room at all.

Yoongi rushed into the kitchen, supporting himself against the counter as he stared at his reflection in the window.
"You gotta hold it together. They can't find out." He whispered to himself under his breath, taking a moment to compose himself before getting started with the dinner.
He was going to make chicken and noodles, Hoseok's favourite, and he'd almost finished preparing all of the ingredients when disaster struck.

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