Accident - Namjin (part 2)

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"Great job Jin, not only have you badly upset Joonie, but you scared the shit out of Jungkook. Way to go." Hoseok growled sarcastically as he walked into the kitchen, bouncing a trembling Jungkook in his arms as he shot Jin a stern glare. Yoongi came in soon after, one arm wrapped around Taehyung who was clinging to his side with a fearful expression. He hated loud noises and angry voices, all of the littles did, especially when they were in smaller headspaces like Jungkook was today, and all of the caregivers knew this. Shouting was forbidden in the bangtan household when the littles were around, so Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok were furious.

"I'm sorry, I just can't deal with any of this. I'm tired and I've had a bad day, okay?" Jin mumbled under his breath, Yoongi shaking his head at him.
"Having an off day gives you no right to treat Joon like that. I'll clean up the mess, you go to your room and cool the fuck off." Yoongi spoke in a low voice, Jin having no energy to talk back as he trudged off to his room with his head hung down.

The older members knew that something was wrong because Jin would never act like this, he was always sweet and kind and was the most maternalistic out of all of them. But that didn't make what he did okay, and Jin was scary when he was angry. Not as scary as angry Hoseok, but still scary.
"Shh Koo, it's okay. Don't be frightened baby, I've got you." Hoseok whispered to Jungkook when he heard the youngest little whimper in his arms, sending Yoongi a worried look about the situation before carrying Jungkook back into his room, closing the door softly behind them.

Yoongi sighed and turned to Taehyung, pressing a kiss to his little's forehead when he felt Taehyung press his face into his chest.
"Daddy?" He mumbled, Yoongi looking down at him with a hum and a soft nod.
"Wiw Joonie an Jinnie be okie?" He asked with a sad pout, Yoongi smiling at Taehyung and running his fingers through the little's hair reassuringly.
"Of course bub, it's just gonna take them a little time. You understand that, right?" Yoongi replied, Taehyung nodding with a slight pout.
"Otay... I wiw hewp daddy clean up!" Taehyung announced, Yoongi smiling fondly as his little ran to find the dustpan and brush.

Meanwhile, Namjoon was still sobbing into Jimin's chest in the younger's room, having been thrown harshly out of littlespace at Jin's words.
"Oh my God he hates me." Namjoon cried, Jimin shaking his head and hushing him as he rubbed comforting circles into the other's back.
"No no he doesn't, of course he doesn't Joon. He's just had a bad day, but that gives him no right to take it out on you. The others and I are super angry at him, but he didn't mean what he said, I know it. You know how we always say that everybody makes mistakes?" Jimin asked, watching as Namjoon nodded slowly against his chest.

"Well, Jinnie hyung just made a mistake. He didn't mean it, there was nothing behind it, he's just on edge right now and stupidly took it out on you when you broke the bowl." Jimin explained, but Namjoon released a small sob at the mention of that and just pressed himself further into the younger, teetering between his big headspace and littlespace.

"I didn't mean to break it! I was trying to make him cookies to make him happy." Namjoon choked out, and Jimin honestly felt his heart break right then and there.
"I know Joon, I know. Little Joonie is always such a good boy. Next time you wanna do something like that, come and get me to help okay? Don't worry, we'll get it sorted hyung." Jimin reassured, smiling as Namjoon nodded slowly.

"I wanna be little again, Jiminie." He whispered barely audibly, Jimin nodding and rocking Namjoon in his arms, babying him. When the other caregivers weren't there, Jimin was always the one to look after the littles and could get them into headspace in a heartbeat with his gentle actions and soft voice. Jin would never act like he did today, and it scared and upset Namjoon because he was so confused, so it was at these times when he realised how grateful for Jimin that he was.

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