003; we meet again

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chapter 3

we meet again


Nick was now driving Y/N to the airport after hours of catching up with the Wolfhard family.

Y/N couldn't help but think about how welcoming and caring Finn's family is.They are truly very good people, which showed a lot in Finn.

"So, I know you're really here for Finn. Did you want to tell him something? I know you guys haven't been really....talking." Nick asks in curiosity, taking his eyes off the road for a second to glance at Y/N.

She sighed, reaching for the envelope in her purse. It was the simplest way to explain it.

"It's complicated..." She uttered. "This about Millie?" He wondered.

"Okay you need to pull over for this." Y/N warns. "Damnn, that serious??!" Nick's eyes widen. "Yuh!" Y/N shrugged.

"Does my brother have a juicy secret that you know becau- Just pull over, Wolfhard!" Y/N laughs.

"Alright! Okay!" Nick surrenders, looking further down the road for any lay-by spots to park by.

Y/N started to fiddle with the envelope cover and in just a few kilometers, a gas station comes in sight, giving them the opportunity to talk.

If there was a person who knew Finn the most, It's Nick. Y/N thought he knew what she should do.

"What is it?" They finally found a parking space. Nick turns to the girl with curiosity.

"Here." She finally hands him the letter. At first, Nick semmed to understand the remarks. It seemed like a goodbye letter to him.

But she watched Nick's eyes widen little by little as he reached the end. "Holy crap...." He pursed his lips, handing the letter back to Y/N. "I know..."

"She didn't lie though... but, wow. That's a lot. What do you think? What are you gonna do?" He asks.

"I'm gonna talk to Finn, see how's he's doing. That's why I came here. But honestly, I don't know if we're cool." Y/N explained before Nick pulled up the parking space, getting ready to hit the road again.

"I think he'd be happy to have you back, Y/N. I mean, may she rest in peace but Millie was right. Finn always had a soft spot for you. You guys were the best of friends!" He pointed out, driving the car through the highway that lead to the airport.

"I hope he still does. I'm pretty sure he's miserable right now." Y/N spoke.

"He's a mess." Nick agreed, followed by a heartbreaking sigh.

"I did my best to make him laugh, only earned very few forced ones though. I never saw him that upset." He says.

"Well, here you are." Nick takes a turn to road that lead to the airport's departure area.

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