008; the ultimatum pt. 2

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chapter 8

the ultimatum pt. 2


throwback chapter "the ultimatum" continuation


Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. It can never break your heart but it takes the pain away.

Everything changes tonight, as I'm hoping so.

I set the last piece of throw pillow on the sofa, tidying up the area. A sudden beep from the microwave made me walk to the kitchen, getting the food out and setting them on the coffee table. I made sure everything was perfectly set before she comes.

"Hey!" Millie finally arrives, walking in to my house. I felt my heart skip a beat as she walks in and joins me, something I've never felt in so long. "What's up." I casually greet, making ourselves comfortable on the sofa.

"You made these?" "Actually, yeah... I'm sorry in advance if they're terrible." I scratch my head. She giggled and picked up a plate. "It's lovely, Finn thank you." 

"Anything for the lovely girl." I smiled.

Millie blushes, continuing to eat her pasta as we watch one of her favorite movies- which she insisted to see.

As time goes by, our plates are now away, leaving the two of us on the couch. We were really close to each other, only a few inches of space sat in between us.

Millie slowly shifts closer, her back to touching my chest. I look down at her, smiling before gluing my eyes back to the screen again and hoped that she won't feel how fast my heart is racing.

My eyes wonders at the stand beside the sofa, reaching to turn on the lamp. Just as I reach for the string, I realized there was a small photo frame standing there.

The frame held a picture of Y/N and I skating together, holding hands as we strolled around the streets of New York City.

I gulp, slowly facing the frame down before pulling on the lamp shade. I guess I never really took that down...

"Thank you for the wonderful night, Finnie." Millie awes. "Of course." I smile back. She now gathered her purse before planting a kiss on my burning cheek.

"Wait..." okay, Finn just say it.

"You're wonderful." I reached for her soft hands, feeling her delicate skin come in contact with mine. 

"You....I, I haven't been so happy in so long, I thought I was, but...when I'm with you, I'm like, so much more happier, you know??" I now look into her keen eyes.

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