038; line without a hook

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chapter 38

line without a hook

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attendance check? 👉

The rhythmic beeping of the medical monitor filled Y/N's patient room as Athena went around her, hooking up fluids and oxygen for her to sustain.

Y/N finds herself slowly opening her eyes, feeling like waking up from a long coma.

"Good...midnight. Huh, you're not supposed to wake up yet. How are you feeling?" Athena greets as she go throuh Y/N's patient record.

"Where is Finn?" She groggily wondered.

"And she's fine." Athena remarked on the record.


"The nurses said he went out to get some air. aaand it's very late so he probably got food as well." Athena wondered.


"Seriously, how are you feeling?" She added.

"I'm on a lot of drugs, am I?" Y/N asked. "Yes, you are. and I want to ask you a lot of stuff right now but I really need to know how you feel." Athena replied.

"Ergghhh fine. I feel like I'm floating and laying on a cloud." Y/N smiled. "So all the morphine is still working. Any pains?" Athena asked as she listened to Y/N's breathing.


"Alright, will check on you in a few hours again." Athena finished up the assessment before setting down Y/N's record.

"So...what's up?" Athena threw herself on the bedside couch, crossing her arms as she faced Y/N.

But before she could even talk, a continuous beep came from Athena's pager.

"Ugh, crap. Some trauma came in." She immediately got up and put her coat back on.

"I have to go, Y/N. Sorry."

"Yea, go do your thing." She waved Athena off as she walked outside the room.

"Oh god, Finn?! No..." Athena mumbled before slinging the stethoscope around her shoulders and sprinting towards the elevators.

"What happened to Finn? Where is he?" Little did she know, the drugs somehow gave Y/N some supersonic hearing ability, which caused her to pick up her words.

"Finn..." Y/N weakly mumbled, overwhelmed by all the pain meds she's given. Although, it is no hindrance to keep her from figuring out what happened.

"Athena what happened to him?" She attempted to yell, but only a hoarse whisper came out. As she struggled to talk, feeling heavy, she attempts to swing her feet to the ground, getting up. The movements of the IV drip, oxygen, and fluids attached to her body had caught the attention of nearby nurses outside, causing them to rush towards Y/N's room.

"Miss Y/N, please go back." A resident doctor rushes in, guiding Y/N back onto the bed.

"Where's Athena? Finn..." She resisted, insisting on seeing the doctor and Finn.

"Dr. Hernandez is paged in the ER, we will get you another doctor." A nurse spoke.

"No, you don't understand...Finn." She withstands.

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