028; who wants to be a godparent

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chapter 28

who wants to be a godparent



"It's really nice, man. Y/N was bummed you didn't come." I set the food down and joined Nick on the balcony.

"Ah, I wish I wasn't so busy. But I did promise her one when she hosts a runway." He explained. "I see." I agreed and took my own glass of water.

"Hey man, you can talk to me about anything, alright? You're still my little brother. You always will be. If you like, need someone to punch out of anger, I'm your guy." He genuinely offers.

I chuckled before putting on a pair of sunglasses. "I'm not gonna do that." I shook my head. "You will." Nick clicked his tongue and nodded. 

"I just hope you're not mad at Y/N for calling me down here." He spoke. "No, I'm not." I deny. 

"Good, cause if you are, I'm going to drag your ass back up to Vancouver and make mom yell at you." Nick threatens.

"No, no, seriously." I laughed and crossed my legs, bouncing them up and down. "I can't get mad at Y/N."

"O, yea?"

"Come back here naked baby!" I heard Y/N's annoyed tone from inside, chasing a shirtless Avery down the hallways.

"She's just... the most consistent person in my life right now. I trust her so much." I then felt my lips slowly curl up into a smile.

"That's good." Nick nodded. 

"Hey, turns out it's not a party thing, Noah's picking a godparent for their new baby!" Y/N walked past the bathroom where Finn and Avery stood.

"Yeah, you coming?" Finn started to dry out Avery's hair with a small towel.

"Yeah, yeah I will. Wanna see you bozos fight over a baby." She laughed and headed to the balcony.

"Go dress up, bubba." Finn waved off the kid to his room and followed Y/N.

"He's not gonna pick either of you, just saying." Nick spoke before sipping on the soda, staring at Finn and Y/N who just entered by the doorway.

"Huh, and why is that?" Finn raised a brow and joined his brother on the table while overlooking the plain hills in sight under the afternoon heat.

"You--" Nick points at Y/N before pushing his shades off, "Ya terrified of children." Y/N's smile dropped and gave him a glare.

"And you--" Nick now points at Finn. "You're just annoying. and whiny." He blurted and now Y/N started laughing with him.

"You're annoying." Finn scoffed an acted offended.

"Excuse me, but I am one of Noah's OG bois." He emphasized.

"Don't say OG and bois." Y/N scoffed. "Yeah, don't say OG and bois." Nick agreed as they laughed at the younger Wolfhard.

"I...I, I make six digits, I have a nice place, I have Paul Rudd on speed frickin' dial, and oh, I already raised a child!" He enumerated.

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