036; (no) offerings

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chapter 36

(no) offerings

。/|\ 。

contains: hospital scenes

Y/N started to stir awake due to the harsh rays of sun coming from the open spaces of natural light in her living room.

She blinked a few times, the discomfort in her body starting to take over due to sleeping on a couch, let alone next to Finn. So she had very little space.

Finn. Where is he?

Y/N pat around the cold and empty space next to her, realizing he's long gone. and so she sighed, sitting up into a comfortable position to wake her spirits.

Y/N's eyelids were heavy again after a short while, slowly slipping back into a slumber.

"You're up." A voice coming from the front doors startled Y/N, pulling her back into consciousness. "Hi." Y/N rubbed her eyes and shifted into a decent position. "Well, good...morning."

"I went home to see Avery and take him to swimming lessons." Finn explained as he unpacked some take outs, sitting next to her.

"Let's eat." He offers, while Y/N joins as they feast on some breakfast. "Thank you..."

"Of course." Finn nodded. "Also, I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble, you don't have to-- hey, you can never cause me any trouble, okay? I chose here to be with you." He explained.

"Yea, thank you again. I appreciate it."

"So, swimming lessons, huh?" Y/N smiles before slicing into some pancakes.

"He loves it! We were out a few weeks ago with Cole to find some activities for Aves and he liked swimming the most." Y/N finds it so sweet how happy Finn talked about his son.

"Bet, y'all went golfing too?" She wondered. "Yeah! and, see this... Avery was a natural. Cole was so proud." He spoke. "But the other spoiled brats there pissed him off so that's a no-go." He added. "Of course they did." Y/N laughed, reaching into her phone as it started ringing.

"Owen? Hi." She answers, taking Finn's attention.

"Dad's awake." He spoke.

"Oh, good, good..." Y/N nodded, "Do you like, need me there or something?"

"Yes, as soon as possible." He replied.

"Like, right now?" "God's sake Y/N just get here." Owen spoke.


"What was that?" Finn wondered, finishing his take-out meal. "Dad's awake." Y/N replied. "Oh..."

"And they need me there..." She added. "Alright... Come on."

Finn pulled up on the parking lot, shutting off the engine and opening his door while Y/N stared into space, not a word coming from her since they've left.

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