041; something new

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chapter 41

something new

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As I gazed out the window at December's first falling snow, I couldn't help but wonder what the new year would bring. Time do flies, whether you're wasting it or not.

"Hey, you..." Finn's voice comes from the stairs before I break my gaze from the outside of his house. "Hey..." I greet back before feeling his soft lips on my head.

"Happy Birthday..." I tease, holding up a small jewelry bag as my gift for him. "Y/N, you didn't have to bother..." He sighs, opening the packaging.

"I love it." He smiles, sliding on the gold watch onto his left wrist. "Well, just thank Cole for telling me that you've been eyeing that watch for months..." I shrugged. 

"Thank you, bub." He smiles, reaching for my hair before pulling me into a hug. "Of course, birthday boy." I tease.

"Okay, moment ruined." He spoke as we pull away. "Happy birthdayyyyy!" I yell as Finn start to walk back upstairs. "How do I look?" He stops his tracks, taking the watch up to his face as he did a pose.

"Very handsome!" I tease, making a kissy face. "Thanks beautiful." He shots a wink before turning his back and sprinting upstairs, bringing a smile to my face.

"Good lord, just. date. already! It's killing me." Orion walks by my side as she heads to the kitchen, carrying some boxes of pizza.

I smile to myself, laughing as I caught up to her. "What's killing you?" I questioned.

"All the flirting, and looks, just make out already! Get it over with! Jesus..." She rambled, setting the pizzas down the table along with other food.

"You talking about her and Finn?" Enya asks from the counter, where she made some cake. "YES!" Orion sighed.

"We just invited ourselves in, right? Finn didn't really call a party..." Josh walks in with Drew. "Exactly..." Drew agrees as they took a seat on the dining table.

Everyone find their own places in the kitchen, just like any usual hang out and raid at Finn's home.

shortly, I took my place in front of Enya and helped with putting up the cake together. My face lights up with a little smile as I recalled the last time I did this– with Finn for Avery's bake sale.

"Are you and Finn together?" Enya questioned. "Hah?" 

"Exactly." She spoke.

"Well, we... are... not together but we are definitely not just friends either." truthfully answered.

"Interesting." She uttered, coating up the stack of cakes with icing.

"Well, I'm happy for you two... I'm rooting for you. My [ship name] heart is lighting up again." She smiles, as we now worked together on the simple cake we've put up.

Finn and I have remained in this state for the past few months. Every now and then, one of us will bring up the subject of being more. We handle the situation with care, treating it first as an open wound and then as a bruise. Tapping the surface every now and again to see if it was still tender, waiting until it was healed.

"I'm... rooting for us too." I'll be honest, I'm hoping for greater growth in our relationship.

Enya had a smug smile on, I could tell she was really happy. "I'm manifesting it." She teased. 

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