015; fast wheels

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chapter 15

fast wheels


tw // c*ps 👮

3 days later

Y/N continued working on her company while Finn started filming an episode. Everything has been running smoothly. However, the past days had been just slow days, which started to bore her.

For Finn, he was feeling back on track again. He's back on set with co-stars and film staff which brought out a feeling in him that he haven't felt in a while. and it felt good.

"Go." Y/N pressed answer. 

"Can I drop by at your office?? Let's have lunch." Enya's voice emits from the speakers of her car. "Oh, I'm not in the office. Office is boring me to death." Y/N chuckled. 

"I can tell you're driving, I can hear myself on the call." "Oh, ya sorry about that. Look,  this sounds crazy but..."

Y/N was cut off by her breath being taken away by the sight. She currently drove along an empty road leading to nowhere. The sun shone like a golden ring tossed into the clear sky, the plain and simple landscape of  mountains overlooks at the left side of the road, and the blue blanket of water meeting the shore on her right. The road she rove on perfectly divided the land from the ocean.

She couldn't help but press the button on her dashboard, commanding the car to convert into an open space. With the roof off, and windows down. It was only her and the fresh breeze.

"Are you driving inside a tornado? It's getting kinda windy over there." Enya's voice breaks her moment. "I'm well into Pacific Coast Highway." She chuckled, taking her left out hand out into the air, meeting the fresh breeze of the environment.

It felt like one of those moments in TV- main character visits California for the first time, goes on a ride by the sea, and have the time of their lives as the theme song plays. For a moment, she wished everyday in her life was like this.

"What are you doing there??

"I'm having a cinematic moment here!" Y/N yelled, gripping harder on the steering wheel. 

"Hm, I see. are you going to go see Finn??

"No, I don't know where I'm going. Right now, I'd really just rather to be anywhere than be in my office." Y/N admit.

"In that case, come onnn let's have lunch at the Hot Pan. I'll pay." Enya persuades, wanting to meet up as well. "Alright, I'll be there." She answered before pressing end on the call.

Y/N's eyes glanced at the watch, realizing she had plenty of time before lunch. 

Stepping harder on the gas, her car sped down the road and the speedometer approached a dangerously high speed.

But she didn't seem to care at all. It was just her and the road.

Y/N's car passed the slower ones, overtaking and heading further down the road. As if the cruising speed wasn't enough for her, Y/N's car is now rolling like a race car– the engine loudly roared and the wind blew through her hair.

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