048; welcome home

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chapter 48

welcome home

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4,641 words. you might
wanna sit down
for this


All this 'meant to be' stuff makes me wonder that maybe I believe it. Why not believe it? Who doesn't wish for a little more romance in their lives? Perhaps it is just up to us to make it happen. To wake up and know that you're made for each other.

And you'll have to make a decision at some point. Some people are not kept out by boundaries. They encircle you with a fence. Life is a tangled mess. That's how we're built. As a result, you can spend the rest of your lives drawing lines, or live crossing them.

If there's something I've learned from this life, it's that If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing. Even if you're scared that it'll cause problems. Even if you're scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there. Because you will regret it if you didn't say anything at all.

"I want to be with Finn." I blurt, laying down the sofa. "Finally time to admit it." Enya shook her head before finishing the cup of coffee.

"Where is this coming from?" She wondered. "I made out with Louis Partridge at a country club." I replied.

"WHAAAAAT? I think you skipped a few chapters there." Enya was now confused. "I did go to Vancouver." I drop. 

"You didn't show up at Finn's party, which you asked us to throw." She stated.

"Yeah I did but he was with... whatever she is to him." I rant. Enya stared into my soul for a moment before piecing everything together. "SO you sucked face with Louis."

"I'm a skank." I frown.

"Girl, for what it's worth they're not even close to being 'together'. Avery doesn't even speak to her." She spoke. "Really?"

"Yeah, and I saw him close the door on her face when they got out of a cab." Enya added, making me snort. "Of course he did."

"You know what..." She sighed, before dragging my body up. "Get your keys, you're gonna get Finn." Enya spoke.

"Wait, what?!"

" If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing. Even if you're scared that it'll cause problems. Even if you're scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there. Because you will regret it if you didn't say anything at all. " She quotes.

"You're gonna go and tell him yourself. Now, just trust me on this."


Iris A.
Let's have dinner tonight? 
sending the address...

Last weekend, I won one of the most prestigious awards in Hollywood and celebrated it with my loved ones, which is arguably one of the most memorable moments in my life.

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