014; the ghost of you

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chapter 14

the ghost of you



today is one of those exciting days at work when models come in to do photoshoots with our collections.

"Miss Y/N, we are just talking about this concept and we hope you'll consider doing this." Brian sits beside me. "Go on."

"We're planning to host a fundraiser? You know, the sales are making up and we are doing very great but we think a fundraiser will totally help." He says. 

"Sounds fun. Give me a concept paper and we'll try to make it happen." I nodded. "Wait, really?" "Yeah, go on. Give it to me by next week." I smile. Brian nods and walked off and I continue watching the photoshoot, occasionally helping with the wardrobe.

Ah, fundraisers. I don't love them but I don't also hate them. I never thought I'd have my own one. It's basically a whole night sucking up to rich people that could be potential investors or donors for your company or business. It's nice and fancy, but it gets boring sometimes.

What I'm looking forward to in the future is a fashion show. When I was in Europe, I attended every single Fashion Week and it's amazing. I think I'll be there again this year.

Finn left two days ago and Avery has been fine. Although, I'm paying a visit tonight at Finn's place after realizing that I left my laptop in there.

hi, how's Hollywood?

good. table reading today 🤘😎🤘

fun. fun

I left my laptop at your house,
may I stop by tonight?

yea sure

also I forgot to unplug the
lava lamp in my room 😅

can you like

ya I got you

my god, you do lava lamps?😴

they're cool!


yeah like 15 years ago!

leave my lava lamp alone 😡

jk man

ayt I'll take care of it


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