006; Avery

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chapter 6




"Nicky poo." I tease, pressing the green button on the FaceTime call invite.

"Stop calling me that Y/N we're not twenty anymore." Nick rolls his eyes.

"What's up?" I chuckled.

"You met Finn last monday?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah I did. Why?" 

"I visited him yesterday. Dude, I've never seen him that happy since Millie. That's the first time I've seen him genuinely smile in months." Nick remarks.

"Really?" "Really. How'd it go??"

"Of course he knows about the letter. We went on a bad start but we were able to get along last monday. I'm actually meeting him and Avery tonight." I explained.

Oh shit, I'm meeting Avery tonight.

"Good, good. Hey, thank you so much. Just...thank you." Nick smiled.

"Of course. anything for my favorite brothers in the world." I tease.

"Whatever, I'll see you soon. Bye bye now." "Buh bye Nick." I wave at the older Wolfhard on the camera.

"Ah, talks with the brother-in-law." Enya walks in on me in the living room.

"God, what are you doing here?!"

"Oh, yeah I ran out of milk, and the boyfriend is M.I.A., so I went to get some from you." She says.

"I have a bowl like that." I tilt my head, examining the red glass bowl on Enya's hand.

"That is my bowl." I point. "Yeah yeah." she says, starting to eat the cereal before sitting with me.

"Josh is making me help decorate his new house, I hate carrying things and climbing up ladders." She started to rant before we rested our feet on the table in front of us.

"I'm meeting Finn's son later." I faced her.

"Oh, that's a big step. Wait, wait, wait. What are you two??" She asks, referring to Finn and I.

"Obviously we're not together, but I'm scared to meet his son. I'm super bad with kids. and he's the first friend's kid I'll meet." I spoke.

"That's totally fine, you're worrying about the impression to leave him with." Enya takes a sip of milk from the bowl rim.

"I mean, what if Finn and I were to be together? Would he approve?" I wonder.

"Well, I think you think you don't have to worry about that right now." She says.

"You're right. Ugh, Thank you. I am going crazy here." I say.

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