060; the decision

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chapter 60

the decision

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"These are off the charts! For someone your age, these hormone levels are above average. You totally have nothing to worry about." Dr. Zoe explains the data on the lab results.

Maybe biology doesn't suck sometimes.

"Oh, okay. So, I don't have the weird ones left?" I ask.


"Although, if you are planning to have children, I advise you to talk to your fiancé about it. Because, while your hormone levels are indeed, off the charts, we still have to regulate them when you conceive a kid. and that so you two are not going to have trouble in that part." She mentions, right.

"Oh, okay, alright. Got that." I nod, listening attentively.

"If you have any questions, feel free to come back or contact me here." Dr. Zoe leaves her final remarks before greeting me goodbye.

I head down the halls and out of the clinic before meeting back with my doctor friend, Athena in her car.

I presented to her my labs, whilst repeating what I was told earlier.

"I told you, you do not have alien babies." She scoffed.

"I don't!" I agreed..

"No." She shook her head.

"But, I have to talk to Finn. That's the challenge." I pointed out.


"We're not even married yet, and I'm gonna bring this up? He's gonna feel like I'm rushing this." I shrugged.

"Girl, it's just right you talk about this before getting married. To save yourself the long conversation afterwards." She argues, realizing her point clearly. "Yeah, you're right."

"Hey, thanks for the ice cream and for driving me home." I glance at the pint of ice cream she handed me earlier then back to the road.

"Of course, Y/N. Invite me to the wedding." Athena teases.

"Of course I will."

"Hi Y/N." Drew's voice greets her first thing as Y/N stepped foot inside their home.

"We didn't even give you guys the spare keys yet, how did you get in?!" She asks, now walking over to her friends who sat alongside each other on the common area by the stairs.

"Finn let us in before he left." Orion explains. "Where'd he go?"

"Said he's buying us drinks." Enya answers, looking up from the book she was holding.

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