019; out of the woods

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chapter 19

out of the woods

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I finally convinced the boy to eat. He's now quietly eating on the table and watching some children's show on the TV.

"I got it! I got it!" Josh enters the apartment, strolling a mannequin in a beautiful blue sheath dress. I rarely wore elegant dresses, but when I do, Y/N is my go-to. and I only wear the ones she make. The others- pppffff.

"It's beautiful!!" I awe, walking over the the dress and discerned its fabric.

"Where are you wearing this anyways?" Josh asked. "A friend's wedding." I answered. "It's super cute. go try it on." He suggested.

"I'll wait for Y/N to help me get in this beauty." I continued to observe the dress.

"Damn, I feel bad." Josh shook his head. "Well, let's check on her when she comes back." I suggest.

"There you are! I got the dress!" Josh greets as Y/N walked down the stairs in pajama shorts. "Oh! there it isss! Do you like it?" She walks over to us.

"I like it! But first, I have to try it on." I say. "Alriiiight, right this way." Y/N and I walk in the guest room while Josh strolls the mannequin behind us.

"You alright there, Y/N?" Josh asks. "Yeah, no problem." She shrugs. "Go sit with him there." She points at Avery. "Alright. I'll leave you girls here." Josh pushed the dress inside and closes the door on his way.

"I'm not okay, I'm horrible with kids! Kids hate me. What if I have my own kid? and it hates me?" Y/N turns to me in a panic while untying the dress from the mannequin figure.

"All kids are secretly jerks." I chuckle.

"He doesn't hate you." I spoke. "Oh, he very well does. He told earlier today. You heard him." Y/N laughs, holding the dress in her hands.

"I'm sure he didn't mean that." I step out of my jeans before getting in the dress.

"Eh, it's fine. I don't plan on having one anytime soon, anyways." Y/N pulls up the dress straps to my shoulders.

"Anyways, when is this wedding again?" She asks. "Sunday." I answer, looking down at the dress.

"There you go." She turns me to a mirror, and I meet myself in the beautiful outfit. "It is gorgeous. Thank you so much!" I awe, pulling in Y/N for a hug.

"Of course." She hugs back, taking a good look of me. "Let's show them!"

"It's pretty!" Josh gives two thumbs ups. "Of course. It's a work of art. I birthed her. It's gorgeous." Y/N says. "A work of art then! Very elegant! Put it in a museum!" Josh claps.

"You should try it on." I face Y/N.

"I'm good."

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