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writing that 'the end' line felt so unreal.


Death Wish is finally complete.

That was a great journey.

It's fair to say it's been the same as my time in this fandom.

Well, I guess I've already said everything on my last announcement on my imagines book if you read that. I won't be writing for this fandom anymore after finishing this book.

let me just put it here as well incase you missed it:

"to y'all wonderful humans...

before the last chapter of DW comes out, I'm just gonna say it now so this doesn't come as a shock to you all— I won't be writing for this fandom anymore after finishing Death Wish.

I've been here for a long time. I've met many friends, seen them go, and now... it's safe to say that it's my time too.

I never imagined I'd have a follower this huge on this app as I only started off writing to comfort myself. Now that many of you find comfort in my works as well, I'm beyond grateful to have shared them with you guys. It makes me very happy when you share how much you appreciate them.

Honestly, writing the last phase of death wish was very challenging, as I didn't have much interest for Finn anymore like I had back when I wrote the first chapter of the book. As well as the fact that I write A LOT in school as well. Most of my subjects require academic writings so I'm basically always writing.

But, what kept me going is him and Y/N's story in the canonverse. They need the happy ending they deserve, everyone does. and only I can provide that. And of course, most importantly, you readers. I really appreciate every comment, vote, and support you gave and continue to give in it, as it is the book I really gave my thoughts into– where I really got to practice my writing. Just, really, I know I say this a lot but thanks. I really mean it. Especially for sticking around when I wasn't feeling my best in writing.

But I'm not really leaving, I really wont be gone, not really. My books will stay up for anyone who needs them, for anytime you need it. and I will still see you guys' votes, comments, and messages from time to time. My page stays very much alive and accessible to anyone and anytime as you please.

and to my friends and mutuals who still have ongoing works, don't worry, I'll look out for updates from time to time! and you guys know the other ways to reach me, we can definitely talk there

It's just that I have different priorities, interests, and endeavors now so... I won't be writing for the Finn fandom anymore. Just like any good story, my time in writing them here is coming to an end. Although, I very much still look up to Finn's projects! Ghostbusters is gonna be a hit.

Like I've always talked about in DW, change is inevitable, it always happens, and we should try our best to keep up and face it. and that's what I'm doing.

A lot of things have changed, especially just over the past year. But I'm glad that there is change; because it's not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it's everything... it's the only way we grow.

and I'm very thankful to have spent my time here with each and every one of you, no matter if you're here since day one or just five minutes ago, I appreciate you all. I wish I could say this to everyone who left earlier.

But again, thank you. for all your support throughout my time here.

I hope this message serves you well.

see you later ♡"

This isn't goodbye, it's a thank you.

Thank you for everything you've given me. For a long time, this app served as my comfort place. It's very happy having been a part of it.

Just, thank you so much.

If you like anime, I'm very much active on tumblr, I write for aot, tokyo revengers, and jjk.

and who knows? maybe in the future, I'd come up with something for my new fandoms and be back on this app?

i love you all ❤️

Death Wish | Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now