004; love, loss, and legacy

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chapter four

Love, Loss, and Legacy


a throwback chapter, the life of Finn and Y/N being a couple thirteen years ago.

Finno <3

Y/n held up the cardboard sign with Finn's nickname clearly written on it as she waited for him at the arrivals area in the airport.

He had just filmed a movie in Atlanta and he's coming back today. Finn strolls his luggage behind him, emerging into the crowded arrivals grounds.

A wide smile spreads across his face once he spotted his lovely girlfriend. Finn speed walks, rushing to finally feel her embrace after months. He picks Y/n up, spinning her body around and showering kisses all over her face. "I missed you." Finn pulled her in for a kiss. "I miss you too." Y/n says in between kisses.

"Come on." Y/n takes Finn's hand as they head back to her car. "Wanna drive?" Y/n offers. "Oh no, won't risk it." Finn chuckled, loading his luggage in the trunk before getting on the passenger seat. The couple fastens their seatbelt, and just before Y/N starts the ignition, Finn calls her name.

"Yes??" She turns around to meet his gaze. Finn takes out a rose from the inside of his jacket, handing it to Y/N. "Oh my god, you." She giggles, taking the delicate pink rose from his hand. Finn chuckles as they lean in for a kiss. "How could I forget?? It's our own little tradition." Finn says, placing a kiss on her lips one more time.

Way back, even when they were just friends, Finn would bring Y/N a flower whenever she picks him up from the airport. It just became more special when they started dating.

Dating your best friend seemed so right and happy for them at the time. It's as if your soulmate was disguised as your best friend the whole time. At least, that was how it felt for them.

"I watered the plants in your place like you asked me to, and they are thriving." Y/n spoke excitedly as she drove to Finn's place, which he just got last year when he turned 18. "I have plants?!" "You dumb fuck, the last thing you told me before you left was to water them and now you didn't even know you had 'em?" Y/n joked. "Oh my god! Yeah! well, I was gone 3 months doing actor stuff." Finn laughed.

"How do I look?" Finn walks in to Y/n's room, who was currently getting her makeup done.

"I can't see, Finn!" She yells back. "You may look, Miss Y/n." Her makeup artist spoke.

"Oh...okay." Y/n opened her eyes and turned her seat, seeing Finn in a beautiful, luxurious tuxedo.

"HOT! Oh my god I wanna make out with you right now." She blurts, making him blush. The style team in the room started laughing as well. "Keep it in your pants, L/n jeez." Finn jokes, walking beside his girlfriend and watched her get styled up. "And you look gorgeous." He flirts.

"My parents are down in the lobby, I'll wait for you there??" Finn asks as they make eye contact through the mirror.

"Sure." Y/n agrees. "Y/n will be ready in a few minutes." Her stylist spoke.

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