026; make it right

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chapter 26

make it right



We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed, and most importantly, we deny that we are in denial.

We only see what we want to see, and believe what we want to believe, and it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after awhile the lies start to seem like the truth.

We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth right in front of our faces.

I have a problem I've never dealt with with since my wife's death. It was hard to come to terms with, but I've been drinking a lot, and it's getting bad.

What Y/N said made me ponder, and so I started attending an exclusive AA meetings after she talked the life out of me.

I played with my 1 week sober badge in between my fingers, and a glass of scotch stood right in front of me.

It's just one week, I can redo another one.

The urge of pouring the liquor down my throat had won, as I now held the glass in my hand.

"Daddy!" The door bust open, revealing my son. He held a blue cupcake on his right hand as he ran towards me and hopped on my legs. "Hi bubba." I immediately put away the glass of whiskey and held him in my arms.

"This is for you." He hands off the cupcake. "Where's this from, baba?" I curiously took the treat in my hand. "It's my friend's birthday!" He smiled. "Oh, thank you baby." I put a small kiss on his nose.

"God, you're so sweaty. Go take a bath!" I pretend to find him stinky, pinching my nose with my fingers. "Okay!" He hops off my lap before rushing upstairs.

The glass of whiskey sat on the cold countertop, staring into my soul. I took one last glance before taking it in my hand and pouring the liquid down the drain.

It was a perfect evening for Y/N who was holding a glass of wine in her hand, sitting in the balcony of her apartment and witnessing the slowly disappearing sunshine with her iPad screen propped up on the table.

But as Y/N looked towards Vivian on the screen, she realized that the perfect evening was not beautiful for everyone. "Are you alright, mama?" She noticed Vivian was just staring straight into the camera, sitting still.

"Finn." She randomly spoke.

"Finn's not here, mom." She assured, assuming that Vivian was just having an episode. "It's him." Vivian points behind Y/N, slightly startling her.

"Wha- WHAT THE FUCK!" Y/N screamed in terror, seeing Finn standing by the door frame. "How did you get in?!" She started catching her breath, coming down from the scare.

"Your...door was open. You should really lock those things." Finn points. Y/N chuckled with her palm on her chest, the event reminding her of the day she saw Finn again after ten years.

"Finn, now's really not a good ti- Vivian." Finn takes notice of Y/N's iPad screen. "Finn!" Vivian awes, looking at the camera with adoration.

Y/N stared in confusion, realizing that her mother wasn't having hallucinations and that he was really here.

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