065; take me home

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chapter 65

take me home

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Today, your lovely home was busier than the ordinary day, as your husband was occupied with nursery room duty with the help of your elder child.

You couldn't help but look as he effortlessly carried a box across the living room with such ease. It seems like just yesterday that you were so scared of seeing him for the first time that you brought a stuffed dinosaur with you in the hopes of making him feel more comfortable.

"Momma?" His not-so-little voice anymore called, 

"Yes, my monkey?"

"Is the baby's room finished?" He asks.

"Uhm, daddy is setting up the crib right now, I think." You replied, fork pushing around your cold bowl of fruit. "Okay, let me just take my old toys there. I want my little sibling to have them!" Avery explained.

"Awe, that's very sweet of you, child. Thank you." Knowing that kids have a reputation for being envious little creatures, you've always admired how effectively Avery handled the news of having a new sibling.

"YAY! Now I have room for my new pet turtle." He exclaimed, now sprinting to the under construction nursery room.

"Wait, your fucking what?" You mumble, eyes taking off from the fruit bowl. What has Finn done to the room now, anyways? You almost jump off the counter seat, only to regret it when you feel a stinging pain in your lower back. 

"Ooooh, crap." You wince, hands immediately making contact with the site of pain. Orion happened to be passing by, having just arrived with  some paper drafts in her hands. "Careful, babes. You're at your due week, that baby's gonna pop out anytime now." She rushes by your side in an instant.

"I KNOW! I want it to." You almost scream. "Honey, we can't wait to see you, please come out. My back hurts so much!" One hand lands on your very pregnant stomach.

"Hi guys, look I got new games!" It was now Drew's turn to enter your home, holding up game CDs as if they were poker cards.

"Ah, how convenient, can you annoy my baby into coming out of my body already?" You ask.

"Okay." Drew agreed, now walking towards your way before leveling his head with your bump. "Kid, you have very rich parents, cool aunts and uncles, and a fun brother. You'd love to meet us. Trust me." He simply spoke.

His words of comfort not only directed to your unborn child, but also deeply connected with you. Over the past couple of months, your loved once shown nothing but love and care for you and your baby. You can't help but tear up at the thought of your kid born into the very same environment you were in; your favorite people.

"Y/N?" Drew takes noticed of your teary eyes and quiet state.

"I just love them so much already, and I haven't even seen them yet!" You yelp, tears now spilling out. God, does pregnancy hormones mess you up.

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