012: my person

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chapter 12

my person



It takes a lot of money to keep your business open. So you do anything in your power to keep your partners, and prevent your business from shutting down.

"With all due respect, Miss Y/N, but our New York branch is making less sales than any of the other branches, it has to go." Brian from sales department spoke.

"It is also one of our branches that stands in the best location for business! and it is still making sales." I stood up, leaning on the table.

"But we are making budget cuts, and closing up the NYC branch will be enough." Another employee spoke. "I'm sorry but we are not closing up in New York." I spoke, shuttting the proposal material close and making a loud thud.

"We are already closing 3 stores, how is that not enough?" I ask. "From that, we are already saving eight million dollars, we don't need more." I explained.

"We actually do, Miss Y/N. for reserve funds." Brian spoke. "That doesn't mean we need to go shutting down our stores, then how do we make sales? Let's go get us some new clients then." I gather all my stuff and headed for the conference room's door.

"Meeting's over, get some sleep, everyone. Chop chop." I spoke, finally getting out and heading back to my office.

Don't get me wrong, I love my employees, I do. I am even friends with plenty of them. But I hate doing briefings like this with them. It takes out a side of me that I don't want to show.

I sighed, making a turn to my office. "Here's your key, Miss Y/N." my assistant, Jodi hands them to me. "Thank you so much Jo."

"Miss Y/N, by the way, your landlord called, he said that the repair in your apartment would take a few more days and that you should be home by the weekend." Jodi says. "Alright, call them back and I said okay. Thank you." I smile, heading in my office.

Simetimes I wonder how I literally own a multi-million dollar business and yet I still live in the place that I got when I was 18.

My place in Paris was so much better, it's like the central park tower. But instead of being in America and looking over the central park, it's in France. and looking over the Eiffel tower. and the whole city. God, I would kill to have that place again.

I should definitely get a new home, but I am weirdly attached to my current place.

I would check in a hotel, but I wanted to feel at home in my office. I specifically designed it to be homey and professional, and I loved how it turned out. Might as well put it to use now. Maybe I'll check in sometime.

I was currently brushing my teeth in the bathroom when I heard my phone ring outside. I walked back to the couch, retrieving my phone and pressing answer.

is calling...

❌                      📞

"What's up??" I greet, the toothbrush still in my mouth. "Is there a dick in your mouth because I can call later...

"No! I'm brushing my teeth." I now  spit out the bubbles in the sink.

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