058; chances

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chapter 58


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I need y'all to sit back for this 😳😌😏


"Good morning, my love." I've once again woken up to our sweet house,

There were a lot of things that I never got tired of in this home after two weeks of residing here, bits of pieces of added trinkets were added, some extra furniture, and household items. 

As I stared at the mansion of white and emerald, I never expected the small spark of nostalgia to grow a thousand fold— I've never been here before, yet, I feel exactly at home. This was Wonderland for me and I tried capturing every minuscule thing my eyes could find; from the small dashes of color between the gaps of the vines on the walls outside, to the archways of the veranda at the side of the home. 

I really loved how Me and Finn's ideas put together turn out in such a dashing result. I remembered how Finn whispered to me every night that this huge home was built for me to make you feel like the heiress that I am. It was a house fit for royalty, he said, and it went true to his words— it really was fit for me to walk on with a long summer dress being blown by the breeze. and he kept his words. I did feel like an heiress.

I really look forward to go to work today because we are doing a big launch, where there will be some press and media present in the vicinity. 

I put on my last piece of jewelry before heading downstairs, seeing Finn busy in the kitchens. He's been extra sweet lately, making us breakfast when he had the time to.

"Good morning, beautiful. Big day, yeah?" He asks, sliding over a breakfast sandwich, beautifully plated on a saucer, and on the side is a part of the fluffy egg peeking in between the bread.

He then brings over a glass of iced matcha drink with ice shaped like butterflies, topping it off with a silver straw.

“You're being weirdly sweet lately, did you do something?” I questioned half-joke, taking a good look at the delicious meal. “Huh? Am I? I'm just being a good h– boyfriend.”

"Anyways, yes, big day. and this is wonderful. Nick taught you?" I finally took a bite from the sandwich, it's flavours magically bursting through my taste buds.

"Ya doi." Finn nods.

"Where's Avery? I didn't see him upstairs on in the play room." "He left early. They have a field trip today." "Oh, right."

"Oh, wow, these are amazing." I exclaim once more. "Yes!"

"But as much as I'd love to sit and eat with you, I really have to get to the office now." I frowned, not really wanting to leave Finn this early.

"At least finish it?" He pouts. "Of course, this is good stuff, I'm taking this with me." I quickly took the glass of matcha drink and the remaining sandwich.

"Come stop by, if you're not busy." I offered, now taking my purse with me. "I actually have no plans today. One pm sounds good to you?" He answers quite fast. "Mmm, yes."

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