013; major role

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chapter 13

major role



"Look at that, my my place is fine now, and I can go back tomorrow" Y/N break the news to Finn who currently sat in the living room. "Well, that took too long." He looks up from his screen for a second.

She set her stuff down on the table, the clicking of Finn's laptop keyboard catching her attention. "Nice, writer's block is gone?" She asks, taking off her coat. "Fortunately." He smiles.

For the past four days she's been staying, Finn may have told her about the new movie he was writing. Finn's been trying to pitch in a movie script about a story of a villain he's had in mind.

"That's great. Good luck on that." Y/N makes herself a glass of water. 

"And you have to make design proposals, don't you?" He looks up. 

"I am my own boss, and I say...maybe tomorrow." Y/N shrugged, taking a big gulp.

"I'm so jealous of you." He chuckled, getting back into typing. "No, you're not. Trust me." Y/N laughs, taking another drink.

"I'll go pack up now. I'll be in the room if you need the French translation to, 'Every Villain is a Hero in his own mind.' " She says.

"I have google transl– WRONG! Rule number one, never use Google Translate in your literary works." Y/N cut him off with his own remark.

"But it's community verified!"

Y/N now tucked her belongings back into the black luggage when Finn broke the silence in the guest room she stayed in.

"We are celebratiiiingg." Finn announced as he waltzed unto the guest room where Y/N prepared her stuff.

He took out two glasses and a bottle of champagne from his back. "For...?" She questioned.

"Apparently, that audition I sent a couple weeks ago was for a major recurring role for a series." Finn set the glasses down and poured the alcohol in, making a fizzing sound.

"That's great! Congrats!" Y/N cheers, going in for a hi-five with him. "So, yeah, I need to go down to Hollywood tomorrow and stay there for about two weeks." He says before handing Y/N her own glass.

They now sat at the edge of the guest room bed. "Mmm, nice. You taking Avery with you??" Y/N takes a sip of the sparkling liquor. 

"I sadly can't. Noah referred a babysitter to me and she's coming in tomorrow." Finn explains.

"Okay then. Have fun in there..." She congratulate him once more, toasting their glasses together.

Finn and Y/N stayed for a couple more minutes, discussing about his acting career and exchanging various stories. Over the course of their discussion, they somehow ended up sitting on the carpet with their backs against the height of the bed

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