042; pity party

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chapter 42

pity party

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The first month of the year was gone in a blip, and Y/N finds herself back at work to catch up with the piled up tasks over the holiday, and keep the place running and busy.

Yep, busy...

"OKAY! Glasses off..." Y/N demands at a seated Drew and Enya on her office couch, clutching a 'Where's Waldo' book.

"Find Waldo." She demands before the two start scanning around the page.

"HURRY!" Josh yells at Drew. "I'm trying! Don't yell at me!" He snarled. 

"He's wearing a hat, glasses, and a red-striped shirt." Josh demands. "I know what he looks like!"

"Found the bitch!" Enya yells, before Y/N celebrates in victory. "Hell yeah! Another win!" She brags.

"How could you not find him?!" Josh crossed his arms, leaning on the sofa. "Because he's hard to find!" Drew yelled.

"'Cuase if he was easy to find, the damn book would be named, 'There's Waldo!'" He wailed.

"Okay, don't cry." Enya coos.

"Okay where's the fire extinguisher? Let's go do the next game." Drew wonders. "Right outside my office. and clear the hallway." Y/N replies, taking two office chairs before her phone started going off.

"Hi." Finn's name on the screen only made her smile even more.

"On our way, we still up?" He asks.

"Oi, Josh! You staying?" Y/N yells at the man who currently carried two heavy fire extinguishers outside. "Yuuuup!"

"Awesome. Yeah, we're just here." Y/N replies.

"Alright, I can't wait to see you." Finn spoke over the phone, as if she could hear him smile, if that was possible.

"See you." She speaks back before hanging up the phone. Y/N then looks over at her side wherein Enya stood still, giving her a wide, smug smile. "What?" 

"Nothing, I'm just savoring the Finn and Y/N moment I witnessed." She spoke, keeping the smile on.

"Shut up. Little Finn wanted a tea party, while Josh and Finn meets about their project." Y/N shook her head before pulling the office chairs outside to the hallways. 

"Fire extinguisher roller chair derby!" Drew cheers before him and Josh gets on the chairs with the heavy equipment.

"On your marks, get set, go!"


"Where is she?" I've finally reached Y/N's floor for our little hang out. It's been a while since we've talked about the hypothetical "us", so, maybe now's a proper time to bring that up as well.

"Right inside." Her assistant gestures before Avery and I walks our way over, while he stood on my feet and held my hands. Big baby.

"Hey there." I was right on time as Drew and Enya was still inside, packing up their belongings. I gazed over at Y/N who was on her desk who seemed to be talking to someone on the phone while jotting something down.

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