045; from right here

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chapter 45

from right here

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The awards night was getting closer, and I couldn't wait any longer. However, I won't be able to attend personally due to a commitment to film a project back home, in Vancouver. 

It's still up in the air as to who could be able to attend on my behalf. This is currently causing me stress because I have to leave by midnight.

Strumming the last few chords on my acoustic guitar, I heard continuous knocking coming from the doors of my trailer.

"Hi." Iris speaks with candy bars in hand. "I got some from the vending machine, want some?" She offers, taking a seat on the steps.

"We haven't eaten any real food in ages. Can we get anything that even remotely resembles real food?" I comment, closing the doors to my trailer.

"You'll have to take me to Canada to find out." She blurt.

"I can't do that." I truthfully spoke. "That kiss was um, unexpected." I point out. "It was nice, great, but uhm..." I spoke as carefully as I could, leaning against the trailer and searched for the right words.

"But I'm... I'm sort of in a situationship with someone." I explained, not really knowing how else to put it.

"Y/N L/N." She spoke. So she knows?

"It was not that hard to tell." She points out, and I nod.

 I really care about you, and I'm not going to stop. I want you in my life, and I'm going to do everything in my power to prove It.

I can't break a promise to Y/N again.

"I have to see it through, I really like her. I'm sorry." I politely declined. 

"Yeah, it's just a kiss." Iris agrees, taking her belongings. "See you on TV, Finn." She smiles, taking the treat away from my hand before walking off.

Great, now I don't have a candy bar too.


One of the things I've considered now that I'm in my thirties is not having to deal with shitty dude issues anymore. I guess I'm mistaken, as now I currently paint my sister's nails in my office couch.

"We're technically almost-together so I practically have a right to get jealous, right?" I spoke, coating Rosie's nails gold.

"Look how the tables have turned." She comments with a snicker. "What?!"

"I used to face time you at two in the morning for my boy and girl problems and now you're here, doing the same while painting my nails." She snickered.

"Show some respect to your sister!" "You sound like a sixteen year old, I can't take you seriously." She continued to cackle.

"But... seriously, your feelings are totally valid. He can't go kissing around other women while talking to you." She agreed.

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