037: play this when I'm gone

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chapter 37

play this when I'm gone

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Y/N's gurney was now being pushed down the hallway by some nurses, along with Finn by her right side.

"and I have two days to revise everything. I mean, that's just bat crap messing with me, right?" Finn rants about his screenplay as they strolled down.

"At least you don't have to spend the next month in the bed like me." Y/N laughs as they come to a stop in front of the restricted doors.

"If you wanna talk me out of this, now's your chance." She looks up at Finn. "No, you get to save your father's life tonight." Finn assured.

"Alright, you ready to go?" Athena walked through the doors.

"Let me sit beside her the entire time, I won't say anything." Finn spoke.

"I'm afraid that's not how this is gonna work, Finn. You'll have to wait like the other patients' family and friends does." Athena crossed her arms.

"Alright." Finn sighed and turns to Y/N. "I'll be fine, go drink vending machine coffee." Y/N waved him off. "Alright, I'll see you later." Finn run his thumb down her cheek before watching them stroll her away.

Y/N's gurney is now being pushed inside the O.R., while Dr. Hernandez scrubbed outside, watching her old best friend lay in the middle of the room through the window while other doctors prepared for the surgery.

She always knew that Y/N didn't have the best relationship with Arthur, and so she started wondering what possessed her to do such thing.

But she was in no place to ask, so she just continued to scrub her arms, along with her thoughts down the drain before securing a surgical mask and heading inside with everybody else.

"How you doing?" Athena looks down at Y/N while getting gloved up.

"I watched you play surgeon simulator in high school, and not gonna lie, I'm scared for my life." Y/N joked, making them both laugh.

"That was fifteen years ago!" Athena laughed. "Yes, and I trust you now. That's why I asked for you." Y/N said.

"I do this about five times a week, Y/N. You're fine. I can do this surgery in my sleep." Athena shrugged. "Confident as always." Y/N remarked.

"Ready." The anesthesiologist took the mask. "Wait..." Athena spoke.

"Why?" She looks down at Y/N once more, and she already knew what Athena meant. "We need him." She plainly spoke.

"Alright, let's put her under." Athena announced before the anesthesia mask was now put over Y/N's airways, slowly but surely putting her into a painless and peaceful sleep.

"Okay, let's save some lives, people." Athena spoke with positive energy through the O.R. All supplies were set, the clock started ticking, and all doctors are ready.

"Ten blade." She took her hand out before feeling the cold metal touch her palm through the latex glove. "Don't pull anything dim-witted on me, Y/N." Athena warned at her sleeping best friend.

Finn stared into space while the vending machine stood before him, its whirring sound filling the empty hallway as he waited for his drink to fill up.

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